Chapter 1137

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Jay's POV: When Erin asked me whether I was worried about whether something like 9/11 could happen again, I had to sit down because it was a scary thought. Not just because I didn't want to have to see that happen again but because of how often that scene used to play in my mind while I was in Afghanistan. It's what kept me going. What gave me the confidence to fight on for my country and continue to fight even when I was tired. I wanted justice for the people who died on 9/11 and all of their families who lost loved ones on that day or later because of the health problems that they have developed because of the toxic chemicals that spread around Manhattan. I was just glad that people could now get the help they needed for free.

That included myself. I could easily go to any military hospital and was guaranteed free medical care. However, that was not the case at Gaffney. I just wish they had a program where you could get your medical care paid for through your military benefits at all hospitals. But, one can dream. But time to snap out of that and get back to the conversation I was just having with Erin. Looking up at her, I sighed and nodded. "It is one of my biggest fears because I know that if it even does happen again, I am going to be the first one to volunteer to go."

Erin then bit her lip when I said that. "You would seriously go back and serve in Afghanistan or wherever again even though we have a young daughter?" Walking up to me, I looked at her and nodded while putting my hands on her stomach and moving to kiss it softly. "Erin, you are my world but...I swore an oath to the constitution when I joined the rangers. I will always do whatever is needed for my country. If that means I have to go back and serve in the middle east, then I will. However, only if you are okay with it. You come first forever."

Erin sighed and nodded as she stepped close to me. "That's what I hate about this situation. I love that you are willing to put your life on the line to fight for your country but, I just hate that it could cost me my husband and our daughter's father." I sighed and nodded. "Then let's not think about that. Let's just concentrate on happy thoughts right now. Anyways, like I said...there's rumors that we are going to be leaving Afghanistan and Iraq sometime soon under the Biden administration." Erin smiled when I said that.

That's when she got a text from Hank. "You guys still coming over? You should've been here by now." That's when I saw the time. "Shit, we need to leave. Hank is waiting for us for lunch." Jay then agreed and nodded as he got up. "Then let's get going." I agreed and smiled, grabbing his hand as we prepared to leave and head over to Hank's place so that we could have lunch with him.

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