Chapter 1110

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Meanwhile, back at the firehouse:
Gabby's POV:
After looking for Matt around the firehouse, I decided to text him since I can't find him anywhere. I decided to text him because I was starting to get worried. If he wasn't down here when we got a call...I would be worried. That's when I realized that I couldn't find Severide either. And that made me mad because I knew that meant he was probably smoking a cigar on the roof. That's when I decided to go check. 

Walking outside, I saw a ladder on the side of the building. I then groaned and went to climb up when I heard Matt and Severide talking. "Severide, I already told you to stop pushing this. Twice now. I am not joining squad." I was glad to hear that and decided to make my way up even if he said that because I needed to make sure he wasn't smoking. Walking up there, I saw him with a beer in his hand. And while that was okay, I was not impressed.

Walking over to him, I went to grab the beer and then put it on the ground. "Seriously, this is what you are doing? Drinking on the job!" Matt then looked up at me and knew that I was not happy. "Babe, it was one beer." I then looked at him. "And what if we have to go past the drive check again? You are going to lie to the cops/my brother than you haven't been drinking?" Matt then understood why I was so mad. He then looked at Severide.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I then went to rub his shoulder. "Just be glad it's just drinking. Because if I caught you up here smoking a cigar then you would be sleeping in the bunk room." I then went to walk away to go downstairs again. Matt then stopped me. "Hey, come sit with me. It's a gorgeous night. Anyways, this is where I want to end the year with you." I nodded and agreed, moving to sit in his lap. Matt smiled when I did that before putting his hand on my leg.

I then felt him kiss my forehead while looking at Severide. Matt then spoke to him. "Sorry about this no longer being just our spot man. But, I like sitting up here with Gabby now." Severide chuckled. "Being honest, I sat up here with Stella while you were gone. Had a nice make out under the stars one night while we laid down on the roof." I then sat up and looked at him. "I seriously hope you had something underneath you guys."

Severide then shook his head. "Let's just say that we treated this as our bed." Matt then chuckled and smiled as he rubbed my back. "Severide, don't give him any ideas." Matt then moved to kiss my neck. "Oh relax, I would never do that to you. I don't trust Severide to not try and find me up here with you. And honestly, I do not ever want to be disturbed by my best friend when I am in bed with my wife. It's why I was so glad you moved out the first time."

Severide then chuckled. "And where do you move in the minute she leaves forever? You move into our place." Matt then looked at him. "That was temporary because I was depressed. I mean c'mon man, I was going through a divorce and the love of my life just left me at the time. However, I really shouldn't have moped so much considering it was partially my fault that I was heartbroken." I then leaned back and looked at him. "Partially? You chose to stay!"

Matt then nodded. "Fine, completely my fault." I nodded and smiled when he said that before going to kiss him softly. I then laid back down to cuddle up to Matt. Severide then spoke up. "Seriously, you are taking..." I then felt Matt's hand move from my back and heard Severide yell. "Dude, why did you hit me?" Matt then glared at him. "It's called teaching you when you should shut up. Dude, you're going to be married. That means no breakups. You're together forever."

I then sighed when he said that and went to get up. However, Matt stopped me. "Gabby, our circumstances were different. So, just relax." I nodded and agreed. "Unless you want to move downstairs? Or do you have your phone up here. I think Matteo is going to wake up for his night feeding around now." Matt then went to check his watch. "Actually, it's almost 10. So, he's asleep. Sorry Gabby, you missed our chance." 

I understood and nodded. That's when I felt a bit hungry. "I am going to grab some of our deserts. I'm hungry. Severide, you should come taste them. They're from Puerto Rico and if you liked my cooking from before, you're going to love them. Anyways, I promised people to take them out eventually and I should do that before it gets too late." We all nodded and agreed. "You go ahead Gabby, we'll be right down." I then went to get up and smiled at Matt. "Leave the chair for later." Matt nodded and agreed.

I then left before walking away to the ladder so that I could go down and get the deserts out. 

Severide's POV:
Once Gabby left, me and Matt got up and went to set out beers down. "I am going to say this again, she has you wrapped around her finger." Matt nodded and agreed. "I am going to tell you this rule that I follow that you are going to have to follow when you are married to Stella." I nodded and looked at him. "And what's that?" Matt chuckled. "Happy Wife, Happy Life, Happy Sex Life." I laughed when he said that and went to slap him.

"Let me guess, you and Gabby have a pretty healthy sex life?" Matt just looked at me. "No comment." He then walked away so that we could make our way down and back inside for the deserts that Gabby made. However, we both knew what 'no comment' meant. It meant yes in guy language. So, I was glad for them. After being so sad and depressed for almost 2 years, I am glad that Matt's finally back to his old self. 

One Chicago: Welcoming 2021Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora