Chapter 1085

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An Hour Later, after rescuing the jumper
Matt's POV: As I stand in the coat closet the firehouse after performing an amazing save, I looked at my jacket and sighed as I thought about the fact that I will never be able to do that in fires anymore. It made me a bit emotional for some reason. I was just glad that Gabby was there to comfort be because I needed her right now. Wrapping her arms around me from behind, I moved to rub her arms and sighed. "I needed this." I then went to hang up my jacket and turned to look at her. Gabby then stepped close to me and held me close. "You did amazing." 

I sighed and moved to kiss her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her. "Hey, you okay?" I then looked down at her and shook my head. "Did it feel wrong to be doing it since it's against our plan to keep you safe?" I sighed and looked at her before grabbing her hands and intertwining our fingers. "That's the thing. It didn't feel wrong at all. It felt right and it made me feel like I was home again." Gabby sighed and nodded. "Matt, are you really thinking of going back to truck when you know what's at risk?" I sighed and shook my head. "Never."

Gabby just looked at me, seemingly confused. "Then what are you trying to say?" I sighed. "Don't let me do it again okay? If I do it again, I think I might be tempted to throw out all reason and just go ahead and join truck again even though we both know it's not a good idea." Gabby nodded as she stepped close to me. She then leaned up and kissed me softly. "That's too bad because it was quite attractive to see my firefighter husband at work again." I smiled when she said that. "Oh really?" I then bent down and went to kiss her when we were disturbed.

Turning to see who it was, I saw it was Severide. "Oh, sorry Matt. By the way, great save." I sighed and nodded. "Last one I am ever going to make. I can't do it again." Severide was confused and walked over to us. "Why? It's not like you were in a fire. Gabby, what did you say to make sure he doesn't do that again when he was completely safe. Do you not trust me to keep your husband safe?!?" Gabby was about to talk when I spoke up for her. "Hey, enough. This was never her decision to make. I was the one that said I shouldn't do it because it's tempting me."

Severide then looked at me and nodded. "Sorry for yelling at Gabby." I nodded and turned to look at Gabby. She then moved to hug me before looking at Severide. "I can defend myself. However, that was nice of you. And by the way, there is always rescue squad. They don't go into fires do they Severide?" Severide bit his lip and nodded. "We are required to go into the fires too." I then went to look at Gabby.

"Gabby, the safest place for me from now on is with you in the ambulance. Don't doubt that." I agreed and smiled when he said that. That's when we got a call. "Ambo 51. Cardiac arrest. Aqua at Lakeshore East - Unit 2901." Me and Gabby then both walked out of the coat room and ran into the ambulance. Thank god Severide moved out of the way as I ran out because I would've ran into him. Getting into the driver's seat, I went to grab my mask and put it on.

I then started to drive off (without stopping this time) and Gabby was impressed. "Glad to see that you didn't stop this time." I nodded and laughed. "This time, I have learned my lesson. You get backboard when we get there? I will get the stretcher than we will head up together." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Yes Paramedic-in-Chief." I chuckled and smiled as I grabbed her hand, driving her to the condo so that we could get the patient to the hospital. "By the way, can you check which hospital is closer. Med or McCormick Place?"

Gabby then looked at me. "Chicago Med. We are not going to McCormick Place unless it's COVID." I agreed and rushed to the building so that we could get to the hospital.

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