Chapter 1130

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Meanwhile, back with Jay & Erin as Jay comes back from the washroom:
Jay's POV: As I walk back into the washroom, I smile as I see Erin laying down in bed while just wearing my t-shirt and her underwear. I then decide to walk back over to her and move to sit behind her in bed so that we are cuddling up to one another while she is reading on her iPad. "What are you reading?" Moving my hand to her stomach, I went to stroke her baby bump while kissing her back. Erin smiled when I did that before rolling over to face me.

"Nothing that can't wait until later. Right now, I wouldn't mind giving my husband some kisses." I chuckled when she said that before kissing her softly. "Time to relax okay? We just went far enough. And I really don't want to hurt this little girl." Erin then chuckled. "Jay, she's safe in my womb. Believe me when I say this....little Jay down there won't hurt her." I then glared at her. "Little Jay?" Erin smirked when I said that. "Fine, big Jay." I laughed and smiled.

"You can also call it Mr. Pleasure." Erin smiled when I said that. "That's all of you. You do realize that I don't need sex to be pleased right? Jay, I am getting pleasure right now by just laying down in your arms, holding you close and feeling your strong arms around me. That's all I need in life." I smiled when she said that before feeling her wrap her arms around me. I then decided to rub her arm when I heard my phone ring. I then went to grab it when I saw it was Hank.

Erin then sighed and looked at me. "Just let it ring." I was shocked when she said that. "Erin, you okay? You just said let it ring." Erin nodded. "I don't want to talk to anybody but you right now. Right now, I am with my husband and we are in bed together. Hank isn't my are." I smiled when she said that before setting my phone down. I then went to put my hand on her stomach before laying her back in bed. "And boy do I love that fact." Erin then kissed me softly.

"I love that fact too. I am crazy in love with you Jay and I can promise you right here that we are forever." I nodded and agreed. "Oh, that was already guaranteed when I put that ring on my finger." Grabbing her neck, I went to kiss her when she stopped me. "Before we go again, think you can go make me a snack? I'm starting to get hungry." I then sighed and looked at her. "God, why must you torture me?" Erin laughed and smiled. "Just do it and maybe you can get more later." I nodded and agreed. "Fine. But only if you promise not to call Hank."

Erin nodded and agreed. "I am going to watch some TV. I think I have an episode of the Housewives to watch." I then glared at her. "Remind me why you watch that stuff when it's so stupid and so beneath you?" Erin smiled at me. "Because it's funny. Seeing those fights just makes me laugh. Sometimes you need to laugh Halstead." I nodded and agreed before going to kiss her softly. "What do you want to eat?" Erin smiled as she put her hand on my face and whispered to me. "Can you make me some egg sandwiches?" I nodded and agreed.

"Anything for the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world." Erin laughed when I said that. "Sure, because that's totally me." I then went to nod. "You are the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world in my eyes and my opinion is the only one that matters." Erin smiled when I said that and gave me another kiss. "Now, put your sweats on and go make me some sandwiches." I then agreed and nodded before getting up and going to grab my sweats that I keep at the end of the bed for when I need to get her a snack.

Once I put them on, I went to grab my phone and looked at her. "Listen, we both know that you are going to do it so....I don't want to make you feel guilty when you do it. So, go ahead and call Hank. He must be lonely at home and need some type of human interaction even if it's only through FaceTime or the phone." Erin smiled when I said that. She then sat up and grabbed my hand. "Thanks Jay, I appreciate that." I then sighed and looked at her. "Erin, I know you are still worried about him. I am doing this more for you than anybody else."

Erin then nodded and knew what I meant. Sitting up and moving her hand to her stomach, Erin smiled at me as she rubbed her stomach. I then saw that she grew a bit more and decided to sit next to her quickly. Putting my hand on her baby bump, I smiled at the sight of her stomach. "You grew again I think." Erin then sighed. "Not really what I want to hear." I then sighed and looked at her. "Erin, you are beautiful when you are pregnant with our daughter." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that.

"Believe me when I say this. I wouldn't change how you look because it would mean we aren't having a baby in a few months. Erin, I love you...not your looks. I love how smart, kind and wickedly talented you are when you are in cop mode. You are going to be the most beautiful, loving, bad ass mother in the world. And I am just glad that our child is the kid that is going to be able to call you that." Erin smiled when I said that. "I love you Jay." I smiled and nodded. "I love you too Erin. Now, I am going to make your snack."

Erin agreed and smiled at me as I got up to go make her a snack. "Call Hank and relax." Erin agreed as I walked away before grabbing her phone so that she could call Hank.

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