Chapter 1134

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Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me how I knew about he notebook he kept in his side table, I turned to look at him and smiled. "That's where we keep the batteries remember? So, I saw it when I had to change the batteries for the TV remote." Sylvie then laughed when I said that. "Wow, even Antonio isn't that lazy when it comes to being able to get up to get batteries." I then turned to look at him. "When you have a baby you'll understand."

Sylvie then realized what I meant. "Oh, you don't want to wake him up if you are watching TV while he is sleeping. Makes sense." I nodded and agreed. "That and it's also where we keep our emergency flashlight." Matt then remembered something. "That reminds me, I need to find the one we bought and send a link to Christie so she can buy the same one. Her emergency flashlight died and she asked me to send her recommendations for a new one."

I then turned to look at him and nodded. "Makes sense, she probably wants her firefighter brother to approve of the emergency flashlight." Matt then chuckled. "Either that or she wants me to order one from one of the companies with contracts with the Chicago Fire Department. That way, she can get a discount on a really good one." I then chuckled. "Isn't that what we all do?" Matt then smirked. "Nope, we get them for free. At least, I do as as former fire captain."

I smiled when he said that. "Listen, is that food almost ready? I am positive that Sylvie is starting to get hungry." Matt then smiled at me. "Code for you are getting hungry." Matt then went to grab some bowls from the cupboard and started putting some out. "You guys just stay there. We can eat there if you want." I nodded and smiled, agreeing because Sylvie looked really comfortable on the couch. "I think that's a good idea considering Sylvie looks really comfortable. Do you need another pillow Sylvie?" Sylvie then shook her head. "I'm fine sis."

I then smiled when she said that and loved hearing that. "Sis. Oh my god, we are going to be sisters! Like real, related sisters." Sylvie then laughed and smiled when I said that. "God, that is definitely going to be fun. However, that also means that you are going to have to really protect me when I am back at the firehouse and on ambo." Matt then looked at Sylvie. "So, you have decided to return to Ambo when you feel ready to leave the twins at home?" That's when I saw Matt walk over to give me and Sylvie some bowls. I then noticed he gave me a really big bowl.

"Okay, what's with this big bowl I have?" Matt then smiled at me. "One less dish to clean. That is not all for you." I then realized that and nodded. "That makes sense." Matt then gave Sylvie her bowl and fork. He then gave me a fork before sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around my back. "Actually, do we need drinks before we start eating?" I then shook my head. "Matt, relax. We can wait a little bit. Once we are done eating you can ask again okay? However, don't think that just because we are eating doesn't mean I want to talk."

Sylvie nodded and laughed. "I feel like that comment was more pointed towards me than anything. So, what do you want to know Gabby?" I smiled at her when she asked. "What do you still need? Antonio hasn't told me what I can buy for him." Matt then turned to look at me and was about to say something when I stopped him. "If you think I am not buying something new for my brother as a baby shower gift...then you are crazy. And just remember, he bought most of the baby stuff we have for Matteo now. So, don't even go there with it's too much."

Matt then bit his lip and nodded, knowing that he really shouldn't say anything anymore considering I make more money than him. "Anyways, I can always veto you on purchases." Matt was confused when I said that. "Uhm, why?" Sylvie then answer. "Uhm, hello...she's your wife and she makes more money than you now." Matt then shook his head. "Nope, I still make more money." I turned to look at Matt, knowing that isn't true. "You aren't PIC. I am."

Matt then looked at me. "I get my ambo salary plus, my monthly pension deposit." I then nodded. "Okay, that's how you make more money. That makes sense now." Matt smiled. "Oh, and I also get disability payments since I got a workplace disability." Sylvie then smiled. "Seems like you guys have more than enough money now." I shook my head when she said that. "Sylvie, he's due for more clothes at the end of the month. That's why I am telling people ahead of time. Instead of giving Matt birthday gifts, gift cards for baby stores would be much more helpful."

Matt agreed and smiled as he went to grab my hand. He then intertwined our fingers while looking at me. "However, we are still going out that night. I already booked the hotel just to let you know." I was shocked when he said that. "Wait, why did you already book the hotel? It's still the first week of January." Matt chuckled. "When you are reserving for Valentine's need to reserve really early to get a good hotel. Trust me, the room is amazing. It's one of those honeymoon suites with a jacuzzi bath in the room."

I smiled when he said that and then moved to kiss him softly. "Sounds perfect. Just add some champagne and a nice massage from you, then that will be the best Valentine's Day with you." Matt chuckled and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me again before starting to eat lunch with me and Sylvie. "So, what do you want Antonio to do for you on Valentine's Day Sylvie? I can probably give him some hints on your behalf if you want." Sylvie liked the sound of that.

"I like that idea. How about we brain storm. Maybe breakfast in bed, and then a romantic candlelight dinner without his kids?" I looked at her and nodded. "Sounds perfect. However, please stop there. I am sorry but, you may be my best friend are also my brother's fiancé. And as much as we used to gossip about our sex lives. I can't do it when it comes to my brother." Matt then turned to look at me. "Hold up, she knows about our sex life?"

Sylvie then smirked. "You were very adventurous in the past apparently Matt." Matt then looked at me and wasn't pleased. "Our sex life is just that. Our sex life. Got it babe?" I then nodded while kissing him softly. "I promise. Now let's eat. Then we can get the cards out and play some games. I am not just going to sit here and talk when we can play games." Sylvie then laughed. "Actually, aren't we going for a walk after lunch?" I sighed when she said that.

"I changed my mind. However, we are going to do something else." Matt was confused when I said that. "You are going to take a parenthood preparation class by learned how to do stuff with your nephew." Sylvie smiled and liked that idea. "Wait, do I have to change a diaper?" I nodded. "Sylvie, get used to it. You are going to be changing 2 diapers multiple times per day." I then looked down at Matteo and groaned when he farted. He then smiled at me. "Oh, seriously. Now?" Matt then laughed and looked at me, knowing he just screwed up.

Turning to look at him. "You." Matt then nodded and went to set his bowl of pasta down on the table. "C'mon buddy, let's get you changed." He then grabbed Matteo from me before kissing his head as he cuddled up to him. "I just hope that it isn't as bad as it sounded." I smirked when he said that, knowing it would probably be worse considering Matteo always had very dirty diapers when he farted. Waiting a minute, I then heard Matt yell. "Oh Matt, you dirty boy."

I then decided to yell to him. "Matt, I'll put your food in the microwave okay?" Matt sighed and then looked at me. "Thanks. I'll give him a bath." Matt then went to take off his diaper and cleaned it before grabbing his towel so that he can give him a bath. "We'll be back soon. After your bath, you can cuddle with aunt Sylvie okay buddy? So, eat up so I can eat after." Sylvie nodded and agreed when Matt said that. "Sure." Matt then went into the washroom to give Matteo a bath.

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