Chapter 1107

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Meanwhile, back with Jay & Erin
Jay's POV: After bring the perp back to the district, I sighed as I took a few minutes to get ready to question him when I saw Atwater come up. Looking at him, I smiled. "Let me guess, Erin called you to ask you to take over questioning instead of me?" He nodded and sighed. "Told me that the perp refused to wear a mask." I nodded and understood whys he called. "Makes sense. And you sure you don't mind? I know that you are just as much at risk when it comes to this."

Atwater understood what I meant. African Americans are dying of COVID at a much higher rate than Caucasian Americans. It has been that way since the start of the pandemic, and it was not right. Sometimes I wish the system wasn't so stacked against my friends but, that might involve me having to work on making the system better and I didn't really have the time to do that when I am expecting a daughter in a few months. That's when I felt Erin walk out and look at me.

"God, I wish we could just head home. I am starting to get tired." I turned to look at her and nodded. "Then, we will head home. We just have to talk to Platt." Erin was confused because she thought she wasn't working tonight. "I thought she wasn't working tonight?" I smiled when she asked that and walked over to me. Moving my hands to her stomach when she stood in front of me, I then felt her wrap her arm around my shoulder. "You look beautiful by the way."

Erin smiled when I said that. "That code for you look exhausted?" I nodded and then went to kiss her softly. "You need to head home again. I don't think we really should've gone out. It's not as late as we expected yet here we are with you exhausted." Erin nodded and then moved her arms around me. Wrapping may arms around her as I moved to lean against the desk, I smiled as I kissed her shoulder. "You want to head home? I can talk to Antonio and tell him."

Erin nodded and then agreed. "I need my rest. I am exhausted while being pregnant." I agreed and smiled. "Then let's go." Erin agreed, getting up before grabbing my hand. Intertwining our fingers, I went to grab my phone so I could call Antonio. "What are you doing?" I turned to look at her and smiled. "I am calling Antonio to tell him we are heading home. That way it's quiet in the truck as we drive home." Erin nodded and agreed.

Grabbing my phone and moving to call Antonio, I was glad to hear him answer. "What's up Jay?" I smiled when he asked. "Erin is getting tired. I'm going to bring her home." Antonio sighed. "You going to come back or am I going to be alone?" I bit my lip and thought about it. "I am going to come back." Erin then glared at me. "Seriously? So it's just going to be me at home around midnight? I am not leaving then because I want to be with you at midnight." I nodded.

"Then maybe she isn't headed home. She is insisting that I be there around midnight so that we can have that midnight kiss." Antonio sighed. "Can you commute from home?" I thought about it and turned to look at Erin. "Yeah, I could commute from home. Does that work for you Erin?" We then started to make our way downstairs as I looked at her. Erin then nodded and agreed. "I am okay with that. I just need to head home."

That's when we saw Platt look at us. "Someone getting tired?" Erin turned to look at her and nodded. "Happy New Year sergeant. We will see you in a couple days." Platt then nodded and smiled. "Halstead, I spoke to Hank earlier tonight. He said that you can leave when she's tired. Go ahead and stay home with her." I was shocked when she said that. "Antonio, Platt just said that Hank said I can go home whenever Erin is tired."

Antonio chuckled and knew that was coming. "Then go ahead. Happy New Year Jay and Erin. I'll call you if we need help though. Can you do that?" I then sighed. "Antonio, it's my first New Year's Eve as a husband and last one before the kid. Can I at least get a bit of time at home with my wife?" Antonio agreed. "Of course. Have a good night and stay safe." I chuckled and agreed before looking at Erin. "Let's get home and relax in bed." Erin nodded and smiled, ready to go home.

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