Chapter 1109

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Jay's POV: As I finished in the washroom, I smiled as I made my way out to bed to see Erin getting comfortable on her side. However, we both knew that she would never be truly comfortable and relaxed until I joined her in bed. I was the only one recently that's been able to calm Olivia down enough for her to be able to sleep at night. And honestly, I was so happy that was the case because that meant that Erin had to sleep against me all night. Not that I was complaining...especially on the nights when she is sleeping in one of my t-shirts. On those nights, she typically didn't wear a bra and I definitely loved those nights a lot because of how sexy it felt when my gorgeous, pregnant wife was against my chest without a bra on.

Making my way to bed, I smiled as I took off my pants and went to set my phone down on my charger. That's when I saw Erin stare at me. I did the same and saw she wasn't wearing a bra. Perfect, that is going to make this night even better. "Yes, I am not wearing a bra. Makes up for the fact that I am too tired to give you any sexual attention tonight." I looked at her and nodded. "Not that I really expected to get any considering you are really tired."

Erin nodded and watched as I slipped into bed. Once I was laying down, I closed the covers and watched as Erin cuddled up to me just like I expected her to do. Once she was laying down right next to me, she put her hand on my chest and pushed herself against me just how I liked it. "Erin, believe me when I say don't need to make up for not having sex with me." Erin smiled when I said that. "So, you wouldn't mind if I put a bra on?"

I then smirked. "Oh, that's not happening. You are keeping this bra off because it gives me pleasure. That I am trying to say is that all I need is pleasure at night, not sex." Erin agreed and then smiled when she felt me run my hand up her shirt. Running my wedding band up and down her spine, I smiled as I moved to kiss her head. After kissing her head, I felt Erin run her hand down my chest. I then decided to grab her hand and smiled. 

"You want me to turn the TV on?" Erin shook her head and rubbed my hand. "I want some quiet right now. I have a headache after the radio was on all night. That's the one thing about being put on patrol duty. The radio doesn't stop and it is always constantly going. How Burgess did that for years on end, I have no clue. I already have a headache and I only did it for a few hours." I sighed and understood. "I know, try having it right in your ears."

Erin then looked at me a bit confused until she realized what I was talking about. We both said it at the same time. "Afghanistan." I laughed when we did that before nodding. "You wear a helmet with glasses, earbuds and a mic pretty much 24/7. The only time you aren't wearing it is when you're asleep. It was hard on my head and it's actually why I have trouble hearing in my left ear." Erin then nodded and understood. "Remind me about that okay? I am probably going to get mad at you when my hormones get worse at the end of my pregnancy."

I nodded as I rubbed my arm. I then moved to kiss her forehead softly. "As long as we both end the day here in bed, I will always forgive you." Erin smiled when I said that before rolling over onto her side and leaning over me to kiss me softly. I then grabbed her neck and kissed her smiling before rolling over onto my side and laying her down on her back. "You stay on your back and tell me when you want me to kiss you okay? Your back hurts more during the day."

Erin then grabbed my neck and looked at me confused. "How do you know?" I smiled at her. "I can tell because of how much more relaxed you are when I have my hand on your back. It's why I am trying to always have my arm around you whenever you are standing. That and you probably need the support." Erin smiled when I said that before moving to kiss me softly. "Best husband ever." I smiled when she said that and then just leaned my forehead against hers.

"I love you." Erin smiled when I said that and then went to trace my jaw with her finger. "I love you too and I feel so complete when we are together. Jay, you do realize that you are more than my husband right? You are my other half and the only police partner I will ever want." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "I feel the same way. Things felt so different while you were gone. But now, they just feel right. I feel so much more confident when it comes to taking on this crazy world. You are my world Erin."

Erin smiled when I said that and then moved to kiss me softly. "Calm down okay? Why I love the compliments and stuff, I am still exhausted. So, how about you move to lay down next to me and just wrap your arm around me. I might take a nap. Tell me when it's midnight though. I want to get a midnight kiss from my man." I nodded and agreed before wrapping my arm around her. She then put her hand on my chest while cuddling up to my side again.

Moving my hand to her arm, I smiled as I decided to reach over and grab my phone and my AirPods that I had in my side drawer. Turning them on before putting them in my ears, I then went to turn on the events from Times Square on my TV App, deciding to just listen as everybody around the world prepared to count down to 2021. 

One Chicago: Welcoming 2021Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora