Chapter 1116

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Meanwhile, with Jay & Erin as they lay down in bed together:
Erin's POV: As I laid down in bed all cuddled up to Jay, I smiled as I rubbed his chest while also trying to not wake him up since he looked to peaceful in his sleep. However, since he was shirtless...he was tempting me to rub his chest. I ended up doing it and smiled since he has still kept up with his workout even though we've been so busy in the past week. Between Christmas, work and New Year's Eve...I am shocked that he hasn't missed a beat with his workouts.

That's when I felt Jay kiss the top of my head and whisper to me. "Morning." I smiled and then nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. "Did I wake you up?" Jay then went to grab my hand and shook his head while intertwining our fingers. "No. I've been fast asleep until now. How did you sleep after I woke you up last night?" I looked up at him and smiled. "I slept okay. Checked a few texts after you dozed off again. Benson says Happy New Year from NYPD Special Victims Unit." Jay nodded and smiled. "You're friends with her I guess?"

I sighed and nodded. "She helped me get back to you remember? And she was basically the female version of Hank for me in New York City. She protected me the same way he protects me here." Jay nodded and smiled. "What did we say about talk about him in bed?" I chuckled and nodded before moving to kiss his chest. "You going to call your brother this morning or did you already text him?" Jay smiled. "I texted him. They need their rest. They work tomorrow." I sighed and knew what that meant. They needed someone to watch Owen.

"You know, we are off tomorrow." Jay nodded and sighed. "Where are you going with this?" Looking up at him. "We could always ask them to watch Owen and get some practice at being parents? I mean, we should at least start. We only have 4 more months before we are going to be full-time parents. About that. I forgot to mention this over the past week but, I've recently been talking to HR. I got approved to start my Maternity Leave earlier."

Jay was shocked by that. "When are you starting now?" I smiled when he asked. "I am starting my maternity leave on March 31st." Jay then sighed. "So, right when Antonio is going on Paternity leave." I sighed and didn't think about that. "Jay, the union offered me extra time since they knew I was going to be having a harder time later in the pregnancy since I am already stressed. Also, that's when Hank is schedule to come back so....they are letting me off then."

Jay then nodded and understood. "Okay then, that makes sense. However, I am going to try and work from home then. Sure, we already have most of the nursery ready but...I bet you still want to paint it more right?" I nodded and sighed. "Sorry, I have been on Pinterest lately and have gotten new ideas for the nursery. Some stuff we can paint on the wall." I chuckled and smiled. "You know, if you ever wanted custom shelves....I could probably pay Matt to make some."

I hadn't even thought about that. I loved that idea and nodded. "I love that idea. However, you want to know what idea I love even better?" Jay then smiled at me. "Breakfast in bed?" Well, yes. But, I was thinking more about taking a shower with him considering we got busy in bed when we rang in the new year. "Well, yes. But....we are quite dirty still from this morning. I thought maybe we could take a shower together? You know, so we could wash up?" Jay then smirked.

"How about I go make you some breakfast first? You should eat before we do any physical activity." I chuckled and nodded. "Speaking of physical activity, are you going to work out this morning?" Jay shook his head. "I had my workout last night. A lot of running." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "Okay then. So, you want to go make breakfast for us?" Jay then nodded and smiled. "How about a quick kiss first? Then you can call Hank."

I smiled when he said that. "I'd love to do that." Jay smiled and nodded as he leaned in to kiss me softly while putting his hand on my back. "Just give me a kiss first." I nodded and then decided to roll over onto his chest. Jay then grabbed my neck as he started to kiss me. "God, I love you so much." I smiled when he said that. "I love you too and I can't wait until I get to watch you as a dad. You are going to be such a great dad, I can already picture it." 

Jay smiled when I said that. "I am glad that you think that now. I heard from an anonymous source in New York that you didn't think I would even want to raise the child with you at first. I didn't want to bring it up but...I've been meaning to." I sighed and nodded. "Can I at least tell you my side of the story? I promise, I have completely changed my mind." Jay nodded and agreed. I then took a deep breath and went to tell him the story.


NOTE TO READERS: I want to let you know that I've decided to start implementing flashbacks into my story in order to extend the story and provide more information on the back stories of some of the characters (that I have updated to fit my plot). I hope you understand that this is my story and that the plots in the Chicago/Law & Order Universe may not fit as well to this story's plot. However, I am going to try and bring in some plots from the 2021 episodes into my story. 

Thanks again for reading and giving my (long) story a chance. Please keep up with the reviews and reading. Also, remember that I would love to get suggestions from you guys to make this story even better. Love you guys, DawseyForever.

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