Happy New Year! (to all the Couples)

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An hour later - 11:59 PM

Matt's POV: After spending the past hour in bed, I am awoken by the sound of the whole firehouse yelling. "10...9..." That's when I realize it's almost midnight. Moving to shake Gabby in my arms. She then wakes up, startled. "Matt, is everything okay?" I nod and then get her to listen. "4...3...2...1..." I then smile at her. "Happy New Year." Gabby then chuckled and smiled as she grabs my shirt. "Happy New Year." 

Bending down to kiss her again, I smile as we take it slow with each other. "We should probably go say it to our friends." Gabby groaned when I said that. "Matt, can't we just ring in the new year alone here in your bed?" I then nodded and smiled as I turned to kiss her softly. "Happy new year baby." Gabby then chuckled and smiled as we shared a nice kiss that night.

Jay's POV: As I lay down in bed with Erin, I smile when I feel her roll over onto my chest and wake me up. Wrapping my arms around her, I feel her move her hands to the top of my chest. "I was asleep but, I will always take any chance to lay down in bed with you on top of me." Erin then chuckled as she went to kiss me softly. "Happy New Year Jay." I then realized what time it was.

"Is it already midnight?" Erin nodded and smiled as she leaned down to kiss me again. "It's not midnight anymore. It's 12:01 AM." I chuckled and smiled as we started to kiss her slowly. "Since is 2021....want to start the year off right with me giving you some attention in bed?" Erin chuckled and smiled when I said that. "Someone isn't tired anymore?" I then shook my head and smiled at me. "Nope." Running her hand up my back, I smiled as I held her close.

Antonio's POV: As I run into the house at 11:59 PM, I can't wait to get inside. I need to be there in time to give Sylvie her midnight kiss. It's what I promised and I can't break that promise. That is not a way to start the New Year. Fumbling with my keys to open the door, I start getting stressed when I see Sylvie open the door. "Thank god you opened it." Sylvie chuckled and smiled. "I knew you'd make it."

I smiled as I stepped into the door and then wrapped my arms around her. "How long until the New Year?" That's when I heard my kids yelling. "10...9...8....2...1...Happy New Year!" I then smiled as I went to kiss Sylvie slowly. "Last time doing this as Miss Sylvie Brett." Sylvie nodded and smiled when I said that. "Yes, Mrs. Sylvie Dawson next year." I chuckled and smiled while kissing her slowly.

Will's POV: While our original plan was to originally ring in the New Year at home, we decided to instead stay at the hospital since it would allow us to ring in the New Year with some of our friends. It was now 11:59 pm and I was standing next to Natalie in the staff room while watching the ball drop. With my hand on her stomach and arm around her back, I waited to kiss her.

That's when we started the countdown. "10...9...8.....2....1...Happy New Year!" I then looked down at Natalie and went to kiss her smiling. "Happy New Year Nat." Natalie smiled when I said that. "Happy New Year Will." Everybody then turned to look at us. I then heard Mrs. Goodwin speak to us. "Your first New Year's as Mr. and Mrs. Halstead. Congratulations!" 

I smiled when she said that. "Yes, of many. However, next year we have to deal with this little one down here." Mrs. Goodwin smiled. "Listen, you guys should head home. We can clean up." Natalie smiled and nodded. "Actually, I need to call Owen." I smiled. "Helen might be putting him asleep as we speak. Let's just go home." Natalie nodded and agreed.

I then went to wave at everybody. "See you guys in a couple days. We have tomorrow off." Everybody then nodded and agreed as we left the Emergency Room to go home to Owen.

One Chicago: Welcoming 2021Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora