Chapter 1123

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20 minutes later at Matt & Gabby's Place
Matt's POV: As I sit in bed with Gabby, I sigh when I heard the door ring. "Why can't we just have the day alone?" Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt, it's Sylvie. Remember, I asked if she could come over?" I then sighed and nodded. "Right. What she fighting about with Antonio again?" Gabby glared at me and sighed. "The baby and engagement. My mom didn't know." I then nodded and remembered. "Sorry, still tired from last night." Gabby nodded and understood before moving to kiss my cheek. "Then rest, I'll talk to Sylvie."

I sighed. "No, I'm coming out. Need to give the male point of view." Gabby nodded and we then walked out together. "Leave the door open for Matteo." I nodded and agreed. Gabby then went to open the door for her while I went to the living room and just sat at the couch. Once the door was open, Sylvie just came in. She was mad. "Shit, I swear. Your brother is a huge screw up." Gabby just looked at her and sighed. "I know, he didn't do the right thing Sylvie. I am in complete agreement with you."

I smiled when she said that before looking at Sylvie. "How is my future sister-in-law?" Sylvie then smiled at me. "Okay, that sounds weird coming from you considering our history." I laughed and nodded. "How are the twins this morning?" Sylvie smiled. "Better than I expected. I am just glad they are co-operating unlike Antonio. By the way Gabby, I need you to be on my side because I am here to vent. I couldn't just do it over the phone and you guys are the only ones I trust to be safe and healthy with this."

I nodded and agreed. Sylvie then took her mask off before sitting in the recliner. "God, I swear...this morning has been so horrible. I mean, what type of guy doesn't tell his mom that he is engaged and having a kid?" I sighed when she said that. "Uhm, I forgot to do it the first time around. She never knew about the baby. And then I forgot about my engagement." Sylvie then turned to look at Gabby. "Okay, how in the world did we both end up with guys who did that?"

Gabby then looked at me. "You're talking about the engagement with Hallie, not ours right?" I then nodded. "Sorry, right. We did tell my mom about our engagement. She was going to come to the wedding until we did a courthouse wedding." Sylvie then nodded. "By the way, I still can't believe you guys almost did it without your firehouse family! I get it was on a whim but still, we are family. Gabby...I put my life on the line everyday to save yours."

Gabby nodded and smiled at me before coming to sit with me. I then moved my arm around her before putting my hand on her leg. I then looked at Sylvie and smiled. "Just a quick question, Antonio does know you're here right?" Sylvie then shook her head. "And don't tell him. I don't want him to come here and disrupt us. It happened last time and I was glad it did. But not right now. Right now, I need space between us. As far as he knows, I'm just driving around town."

I nodded. "By the way, you eat before you leave?" Sylvie then nodded. "I had a bagel on my way here. Don't worry Matt." I bit my lip and sighed. "Sorry, just don't want to be responsible if something happens." Sylvie nodded and understood. "Got it. Now listen, let's get back to my venting because that's what I need right now. I mean, seriously...shouldn't he have told your mom about my pregnancy a long time ago? I get the engagement since we only got engaged a while back but...I mean, her future grandkids."

Gabby sighed and nodded. "Yes. The twins part probably scared the crap out of her." Sylvie then nodded. "She was not happy with the fact that he was having more kids at his age." Gabby sighed and understood where her mom was coming from. "She's just worried. Always will be. It's called being a mom Sylvie." Sylvie then took a deep breath and tried to relax. "I am just starting to wonder if this is going to be my life. Him keeping stuff from our families. I mean, I told my family right away yet he doesn't get the hint that means he should tell his family?"

Gabby nodded again. "Did he at least invite my mom to the wedding?" Sylvie sighed. "I have no clue. I went to take a shower the minute I found out she didn't know. Then, I went downstairs, made a bagel and then just came here. I had to get out of there before he could stop me." I sighed when she said that and nodded. "Sylvie, I want to let you know that you are welcome to stay as long as you need. I am sure we can find some clothes for you. You seem like Gabby's size." Gabby then nodded and agreed.

Sylvie smiled. "I think I need space. Staying there all the time during the pandemic is taking a toll on me. Is it wrong to be having second thoughts about whether this is right? I mean, our age gap is pretty big." Gabby was about to say something when I decided to speak first. "Listen Sylvie, I've seen how Antonio looks at you. It's the exact same way I look at Gabby. He loves you. However, some guys are stupid. You of all people should know that. I mean, just think about all the stupid things Cruz has done in his marriage."

Sylvie laughed when I said that. "That reminds me, have you guys heard anything about them recently? I mean, when is she even giving birth to their triplets?" I then thought about it. "Apparently, she's giving birth in April. While I was still captain, that's when he put in for Paternity Leave. So, I approved it for him." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "So, we are going to be giving birth in the same month. Wow, that's crazy."

Gabby then smiled at her. "Okay listen, let's change the topic for a bit. How's your job at the CPD as the liaison and have you at all changed your mind when it comes to staying there?" Sylvie then looked at us and smiled. "I am staying put. Matt needs my spot as PIC." I chuckled and smiled. "By the way, I want to know how New Year's Eve went. So, now's the time where we stop talking about me and start talking about you."

We both laughed when she said that and smiled. "Matt, how was your first New Year's Eve Ambo shift? Was it just as much chaos as it was when we were on ambo together Gabby?"

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