Chapter 1129

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Gabby's POV: After making my way into the bedroom behind Matt, I looked at him as he set Matteo down on the bed. Matt then smiled at him. "It's okay buddy, I got you." I then walked over to him. "He just a little scared after that?" Matt then turned to look at me and nodded. "Listen, I am not going to yell okay? You just scared me when you did that." I nodded and understood. "He okay?" Matt the nodded as I walked up to him. He then wrapped his arm around me and smiled as he put his hand on my butt. I then went to kiss his chest and smiled at him.

Turning his head to look down at me, Matt smiled as he bent down to kiss me softly. "I love you. Now, you are supposed to be out there hanging out with Sylvie. I got him. You have fun. Maybe I can call Severide and see what he's up to. They must have started wedding planning and he must be getting frustrated." I then looked at the bed. "Finish folding the laundry first. And I also want you to talk to Cruz. See if he needs anything with regards to baby clothes." Matt smiled and nodded. "Aren't we giving it to Antonio and Sylvie?"

That's when Sylvie walked up to the door and looked at me. "If you're talking about baby clothes...I expect to get all of Matteo's baby clothes for our Theo." That's when I realized that they might need to change their babies' name. "About that name Sylvie. You might want to consider changing it." Sylvie didn't like it when I said that. "Excuse me, but since when do you have any say in what me and Antonio name our children?" I sighed and looked at her.

"Matteo and Theo. You don't think those names are going to get confusing? What if we are at a family event and I call for Matteo? Theo might come instead of Matteo." Sylvie then thought about that and nodded. "I would have to talk to Antonio about that." Sylvie then grabbed her phone and texted Antonio. 'Hey, we might need to rethink about the name we picked for our son.' I then looked at her. "God, Antonio is going to hate me for that."

That's when Antonio called Sylvie. She then answered and put it on speaker. "What are you talking about changing our son's name! We already ordered a crib with his name on it!" Sylvie then sighed. "We overlooked something when we chose his name. Matteo and Theo." Antonio then took a minute before speaking up. "I on speaker with them?" I then decided to speak up. "Hey Antonio." Antonio then laughed. "Listen, I am pretty sure we can work something out."

I then sighed. "Antonio, I don't have any say with this. I just thought maybe you'd like to have a more original name. I mean, you picked Theo. And don't lie to me and say that Sylvie picked the name because we both know she picked the girl name while you picked the boy name. Lola is much more English than spanish." Antonio sighed and agreed. "Sylvie, what do you think we should do for a boy name then?" Sylvie then chuckled.

"I'll brainstorm with Gabby today. I promise, I'll be home later okay? Sorry we are having these problems. It's are really scaring me Antonio. I mean, you are forgetting to tell your mom stuff that is important." Antonio agreed. "Sorry babe." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "Listen, I am going to do some girl stuff with Gabby. I actually brought something that I want her to do for me." I then looked at her confused. "What?" Sylvie smiled when I asked. "I need someone to reach my feet. They look ugly!"

I laughed and smiled. "Matt, you just relax with him again okay? Maybe set him down on the bed next to you. Meanwhile, I am going to give this pregnant lady here a fresh coat of pain on her nails." Matt then nodded before walking over to me. He then gave me a quick kiss before walking over to bed. "You girls have fun. I think I might take Matteo out to Severide's if that's okay?" I then looked at him. "Matt, you really think that's a good idea during COVID?"

Matt sighed and realized that wasn't a good idea. "Then maybe I'll just call him. Talk another time okay Antonio?" Antonio agreed and nodded, hanging up. I then went to make my way to bed while looking at the girls. "Go ahead and have your spa day. Oh and promise that you will talk to me about wedding stuff first okay Gabby? I want to plan our wedding together." Gabby nodded and agreed. "No promises. You know me and Sylvie. We start talking and one thing leads to another." I nodded and smiled at him.

"Fine, but I get veto power over any decisions I don't like." Gabby then looked at Sylvie. "Sylvie, give a minute alone with Matt?" Sylvie then nodded and left the room before Gabby walked over to me. Putting her hand on my cheek, Gabby then slapped it. "The right answer to that question is yes baby. C'mon Matt, you really want to plan the entire wedding. Do you even know the difference between Peonies and Lilacs?" I then shook my head. 

Gabby then smirked. "Peonies is the most popular wedding flower. Lilacs are beautiful flowers, that I love. Just a hint for Valentine's Day." Giving me a quick kiss, Gabby then rubbed my cheek. "Matt, I'll give you this. I'll do decorations and dresses. You concentrate on your groomsmen, and the music. We will do food and wine tasting together." I nodded and agreed. "Okay. And you sure that roses are not what you want on Valentine's Day?"

Gabby then shook her head. "I want something unique. Sorry but, Roses are boyfriend flowers. A husband should get his wife's favorite flowers on Valentine's Day." I nodded and agreed. "Promise. I love you." Gabby then chuckled. "I love you too. Now, I am getting back to my conversation with Sylvie. Can you maybe come make some lunch in a half hour?" I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing." Gabby then walked back out to the living room while I went to sit on the bed with Matteo once again. 

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