Chapter 1108

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30 minutes later when Jay & Erin are home
Jay's POV: As I walked around the house, I was currently in the midst of talking to Hank to tell him that we are home safe. I knew in my heart that he was definitely worried about Erin all night and would appreciate it. And I was right. "I appreciate you telling me this Jay but, why are you home so early?" I sighed. "It's called being a good husband. Erin was getting tired." That's when I walked into the kitchen to see Erin standing there in my t-shirt and her underwear.

Hank understood when I said that and chuckled. "Also known as you can't wait to get your hands on her." I then bit my lip. "No comment." Hank chuckled. "Have a good night and Happy New Year to you both." I smiled when he said that. "Happy New Year to you too." I then hung up and made my way over to Erin who just turned to look at me. "Your brother?" I shook my head. She then realized it was Hank. "You called him and didn't let me say Happy New Year!" 

Moving to slap my chest, I stared at her before putting my hand on her stomach before pushing her butt against the counter. "Not my fault that you look so f***in' gorgeous when you are just wearing my shirt and your underwear." I then moved to kiss her neck softly when I felt her hand on the back of my head. Running her fingers through my hair, she then tugged my head back and moved my lips to hers. "Am I turning you on?" I nodded and smiled at him. "So much."

Erin smirked when I said that before moving to run her hand down my chest. "I can say the same thing about you just wearing your jeans as you walk around the house. You've been working out and I like the sight of it." I smiled when she said that and then nodded while wrapping my arms around her waist. "You know, now that we've talked to Hank...we are much less likely to be disturbed. We both know what the means." Erin smiled and nodded. "No sex, I'm too big."

I then shook my head. "You are not too big. You are beautiful and pregnant with our daughter. Now, do you need a snack before we head upstairs or are you okay with me taking you upstairs now? I can always come back downstairs later and get you a snack if you get hungry while we are getting close to each other in bed." Erin smiled and then rubbed my chest. "I think what I am most hungry for right now is standing right in front of me." I smirked and grabbed her hand when she said that.

Once I had her hand in mine, I moved to intertwine our fingers and led her out of the kitchen. "I take that to mean that you want me to take you to bed so that we can get comfortable?" Erin nodded. "I still have to brush my teeth. Then we can get in bed and cuddle up to one another just like we both want to do." I nodded and agreed as we carefully made our way upstairs. Once we were on the second floor, I smiled when we were in the master bedroom.

I decided to go right to the master bathroom with Erin instead of taking my jeans off before brushing my teeth because I wanted her to take them off. Turning around to face me, Erin smiled as she held my hand. "You want me to take those off for you?" I then smirked and nodded as I wrapped my arms around her. I then picked her up and moved to sit her down on the counter before kissing her. "I want to have you in bed with me. Let me please you Erin."

Erin smiled and nodded. "Get me my toothbrush, then we will head to bed." I nodded and agreed. Stepping away from her, I went to put some toothpaste on her toothbrush before giving it to her. I then did the same with my toothbrush before starting to brush my teeth. "I am going to put my phone on silent okay? I don't want to be disturbed." Erin chuckled and smiled, nodding. "Me neither. Also, make sure to take off your watch in case we call somebody." 

I nodded and agreed. "Oh yes, I definitely do not want any other man to hear you moan tonight. That is reserved for men when I touch you like this." I then moved to run my hand up her leg and got close to her waist. Moaning when I did that, Erin smirked. "Oh, just finish brushing because now you are tempting me even more." I nodded and agreed, moving to brush my teeth more when I saw Erin spit before jumping off the counter.

"I am going to lay down in bed. Finish in here, take off your pants and then come join me." I agreed and nodded, watching her walk away before smirking about how I was about to get in bed with the love of my life and gorgeous wife, Erin Halstead for the last time this year for a night of fun. 

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