Chapter 1091

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Gabby's POV: Once Severide left, me and Matt then moved to open the folder to look at potential surrogates. I wanted to start looking early so that we could interview them and be ready. I wanted to be certain that we wouldn't loose the child. I also had to make a meeting with a lawyer before we went in. That's when I saw Matt grab the piece of paper I kept in there and worked on every once and a while. "What's this?" I then looked at him. "Look at it."

Matt then went to take it out and saw that there was two sides. It was a list of possible names I have been thinking about for our second child. "Okay, you are really considering this." I nodded and smiled. "I want to have kids while we are young so...if we are going to have a second kid, we can't wait long. I'm sorry but...I want to keep them close in age." Matt nodded and agreed as he grabbed my hand. "Hey, I am fully in support of that. I want my boys to be able to play together."

I then looked at him. "And what if we have a daughter?" Matt smiled when I asked that. "Then I want to have as many years as possible with the most important girl in my life." I smiled when he said that and I thought it was me. "Awh, I feel the same way Matt." Matt then looked at me. "Oh, she isn't even born yet." I then slapped him and noticed he was smirking. "Hey! I'm kidding. We both know that you are always going to be my #1." I nodded and smiled, kissing him softly.

That's when we went back to looking at some of the names we have. "Okay, so we have Nicolas Ryan Casey for a boy. Wait, isn't there supposed to be an H?" I shook my head. "That's how it's spelt in Spanish.  I thought we could continue a similar theme." Matt nodded and then looked at the girl's name. "Elizabeth Maria Casey." I smiled when he said that. "I decided to middle name would be spanish instead of the first one. That way, Elizabeth is spelt just like Shay's name."

I agreed and nodded. "These are great names. However, we may want to pick out two more just in case." I was confused as to why he said that. "Why exactly?" I smiled at her. "What if we have twins?" I bit my lip when she said that and then shook my head. "Okay, that is already scary enough. By the way, I meant to did collect some of your sperm when you got snipped right? Got them to put it in storage?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Yes, I made sure to do that."

I smiled when he said that. "Good. Because while I am okay with using a surrogate, I am not going to use anything else. It is going to be my egg and your sperm. That way the baby is only related to us. That's actually why we can't really wait. I need to keep some good eggs." Matt nodded and agreed. "Let's not worry about that yet okay? First, we need to save up a bit. Some of the prices here say it's pretty expensive. That and we are going to support the surrogate."

I agreed and nodded. "You think we should wait then until we have money saved up?" Matt then bit his lip and sighed when I said that. He was about to say something when the bells went off. 

"Truck 81, Squad, Ambo crash at Cermak-Chinatown Station." 

Gabby then got up first and went to grab her jacket. I then did the same and ran off. I decided to also grab my tuque since it was getting cold. "Make sure you let them go first." I agreed and nodded.

"This time, you are working with me only okay?" I nodded and smiled as I went to get in the ambulance. I then watched as Hermann and Severide got in their respective vehicles to leave.

Hermann's POV: Once Truck 81 got into the vehicle and we pulled away, I made sure to talk to everybody about the fact that I was now in charge once again. "Listen guys, Matt talked to me a while back and told me that he is not going to do Truck again because he is tempted to come back. It's not good for his health so, do not go to him. I am in charge. I will take control of the scene. Is that understood?" Blake Gallo then spoke up and agreed. "Of course Captain."

I nodded at our candidate and smiled at him. He then asked a question that I know would have to be explained anyways. "Listen, I know I am new here and just got here when the whole switch between Captain Casey and Captain Hermann happened on Truck 81. But, can someone explain to me why it happened? I mean, he looks perfectly fine and can work on ambulance?" I sighed and looked at him. "He has problems with his lungs. Inhaled too much smoke."

That's when we heard Matt over the radio. "It's also so that I can make sure I am around long enough to watch my son grow up." I laughed when he said that and radio'd back. "Was our candidate pushing his button to talk?" Matt the replied. "Hermann, it does it automatically now. Once you are in the truck, the conversation goes automatically. More hands working, the better. I am kinda jealous because the paramedics don't have that technology yet."

I chuckled and smiled. "Well, you have more time than us. Now listen, we need to get to work. You can talk to Gallo when we get back to the firehouse." Matt agreed. "Of course, good luck everybody and let me know what you need ambulance wise." We all agreed as we pulled up to the scene. I then got out first and looked at the situation. 

I looked at Severide and took charge of the scene. "Severide, get the jaws out. Get me the passenger out first since she is closer to the station. And go get the power off." Severide then turned to look at his men. "Tony, go inside and get the power off. Tell them to radio to the CTA and tell them to stop trains." He agreed and then went to run inside.

I then looked at the scene and went to talk to the driver. "Were going to get you out sir. Can you roll down the window?" The driver then looked at me and shook his head. "I am on my way to McCormick Place. I've been exposed to COVID and am starting to feel bad." I nodded and then turned to look at the crews. "Okay listen up everybody!" They then all turned to look at me. "Mask up now! Driver self-identified as COVID exposed, on his way to get tested!"

Everybody on scene then put their masks up. I then turned to look at Matt and Gabby. "You guys okay with doing this or do we need to get the other ambo here?" Matt then shook his head. "We got it." I nodded and then watched as Gabby walked over with a mask. "Put this on his face as soon as he gets out of the car." I nodded and agreed, grabbing it.

Once Severide got the door opened, I looked at the gentleman and then went to give him the mask. "Here you go, put this on and go with the paramedics. They will bring you to McCormick Place." Matt then walked over with the stretcher and went to help him on. They then rolled him away to bring him to McCormick Place. "Stay safe guys!"

Both Matt and Gabby nodded at me before getting him in the ambulance. Once that was done, Matt got into the driver's seat and went to drive away to McCormick Place. I then turned to look at the crew and walked over to the car. "Okay, Truck...let's get into the station and make sure that nobody in the trains are injured. I see a train stopped. The power might've shut off." The crew then nodded as they made their way into the station.

Meanwhile, I looked at Severide and heard Chief walk up. "Good job Hermann, you've got this covered. I will take over up here. Go work in the station with your guys." I nodded and agreed, making my way down into the station to help.

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