Day 213

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Day 213

I bounced into the coffee shop, my mind pre occupied with a thousand little things.

What was I going to wear to that meeting tonight?

Did I really feel ready enough for that big photo shoot tomorrow?

I shuddered at the thought, but continued my beeline towards the counter, my mind everywhere but on where I was walking.

I bumped into something tall and soft and quickly jumped back, looking up. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I said quickly, my cheeks flushing red.

The person, who was wearing a black button-up shirt, turned to face me. My eyes immediately locked with his. They were the color of the ocean and were glinting in the sunlight.

"It's quite alright," he smiled, now attracting my attention to his perfectly straight, white teeth. His hand shot up into his hair, messing it up, drawing my attention. His hair was long and black, but it stood up, tousled. The perfected bed-head look. He looked to be around 20 and was total eye-candy.

My eyes traced down his slim body, perfectly accentuated by a black coat and jeans. It was so simple and effortless.

I forced my eyes off of this man in front of me and instead looked to see that he was the end of the line, meaning I was going to be forced to stand behind him for however long this line was going to take. Which sure seemed like eternity.

"In a hurry or just distracted?" he asked, pulling my eyes back to him. He was watching me with curiosity. Did he recognize me?

"Just distracted," I breathed out, smiling up at his frame that had a few, considerable inches on mine- despite the fact that I wasn't short.

"Well I'm Marcus," he smiled, extending out one of his hands.

"And I'm Arden," I replied, grasping his hand firmly and shaking.

"So what's on your mind that's got you so distracted?" Marcus asked in his not overly deep, but still seductive British accent.

"Just work and things," I brushed off.

"Oh, where do you work?"

"I'm a model," I said awkwardly, playing with my hands. I still wasn't used to the way those words rolled off my tongue. I'd get there eventually, it was just still a little weird to call myself a model.

"Wow, that's incredible."

I nodded. "Do you work?" I asked, trying not to be awkward, and failing miserably.

He shook his head. "I'm a UNI student, actually."

"What are you studying?" I pressed.

"Law. Sounds boring, I know, but it's pretty interesting actually."

I laughed lightly, smiling at him. "No, no, it sounds very interesting."

"I mean, law is nothing compared to modeling I'm sure," he joked.

I rolled my eyes, laughing at his sarcastic comment. We took a step forward as the line moved up, but we were still a considerable distance from the cashier.

"So how old are you, Arden?" he asked.

"18, just graduated high school in the states, moved here in October."

"Why'd you move here?"

"Got a job as a receptionist at SYCO, wanted an adventure. How old are you?"

"19, I'm in my second year of UNI. You know, you look really familiar," he said, as his stare seemed to narrow.

"Do I?" I asked, playing dumb.

He nodded, continuing to study me. "Have me met at a party before?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"What's your last name?"


"Arden Resnell. Why does that name sound so familiar?" he grumbled, sounding increasingly upset that he couldn't place me.

I watched him with a smirk on my face as he puzzled over who I was.

Suddenly he turned to me, confusion on his face. "Wait, you're not- wait, wasn't Arden Resnell that girl dating Harry Styles?"

I nodded slowly, allowing it to sink in. I hated being "that girl who dated Harry Styles" but I was. And there wasn't much I could do to change that.

"You're dating Harry Styles?" he asked breathlessly, his eyes considerably wide.

I shook my head slightly. "Not anymore."

He recoiled. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. But yeah, that's how you know me."

"Wow," he breathed out, not meeting my eyes.

Had I said too much? Had I scared him away? He took a step closer to the counter, and I realized that it was almost his turn to order. I was running out of time with Marcus and I might never see him again.

Just as I was about to speak up and break the silence that had encompassed us, the cashier beat me to it, "Next please."

Marcus turned away from me and swiftly stepped up to the counter placing his order. I let out a sigh, figuring I had blown it. I mean, it was probably for the best though, right? I wasn't ready for a new guy anyway.

"Arden, what would you like?" Marcus asked, breaking me away from my thought. I looked up to find both him and the cashier staring at me. "What do you want?" he repeated with a smile on his face.

I cautiously stepped forward and placed my order. As soon as I was down, Marcus wiped out a few bills, paying for both of our drinks and we moved over to the side while they were being made.

"You didn't have to do that," I said as soon as we had found a place to stand.

"I wanted to," he said sincerely.

I smiled at him. "Well, thank you. It was nice of you."

"You're welcome. You know Arden, I'd love to see you again," Marcus says, sounding as confident as ever.

"Yeah, I'd like that. We should get dinner sometime."

"That's a wonderful idea. How does next Friday work for you?"

I racked my brain quickly and nothing jumped out at me. "Next Friday sounds perfect," I grinned.

"It's a date," Marcus replied with a wicked smile.

We exchanged numbers just in time to get our drinks.

"Well I have a paper calling me name, but I'll see you around, Arden," Marcus said as he planted a soft, quick kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, I'll see you around," I responded, almost dreamily as he exited the coffee shop.

I couldn't help the feeling I got as I thought about how excited I was for our date, but it was also impossible to ignore the nagging feeling that it was too soon.

Was it too soon?

Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. I don't know, but I was going to go out with Marcus and I wasn't going to let Harry Styles ruin it for me.

(A/N):Hello my lovelies! Okay, here's another chapter! Can you tell I'm trying to win back your love? (Even though you may or may not hate me for this one..) But that's why I have questions!

1. Marcus! Opinions? Just like on him as a person?

2. How do you think their date will go? How do you want their date to go?

3. How do you think the other boys (or Harry) would react if they knew she was going out with Marcus?

Let me know, guys!

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