Day 124

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Day 124

February 1st. Today was Harry's 18th birthday. And I wasn't even with him.

I flopped down onto my bed, happy that it was Friday, but sad because Harry wasn't here.

I pulled out my laptop, opening it and quickly opening Skype. Once it booted up, I saw that Harry was online.

I grinned, quickly video calling him. He answered immediately and his face filled my screen. "HAPPY BRITHDAY!" I squealed as soon as the call connected.

"Ow, a little loud, Ar," he mumbled.

"It's not every day you turn 18, Styles."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal. But thank you."

"So what's going on? Excited for the show tonight?" I asked. "Did you guys do anything for your birthday?"

"Nothing much is new. At least not since we talked yesterday," he chuckled. "And we're going to go out after the concert for some drinks. Nothing major."

"And did you get my birthday present? Please tell me Louis gave it to you in one piece."

Harry nodded, a huge smile filling his face. "Yeah, and I loved it. Thank you so much, babe."

I had gotten him a vinyl record of their album and a big picture of them framed. I also gave him a smaller picture of the two of us.

"They're going to look great in Lou and I's flat," he smiled.

"I'm glad you like them," I grinned. It was hard not seeing Harry all the time, but I was glad he was living his dream. "Have you checked Twitter recently?"

"No, why?" he asked, immediately reaching for his phone.

"Happy Birthday Haz was trending."

"Seriously? Our fans are insane!"

"Yeah, they definitely are. Anymore crazy fan stories?"

"Oh, yeah! Last night, after the show, right? Well we were all backstage changing and whatever and all the sudden we heard a scream followed by like a girly shriek. We all piled out of the room and into like the main backstage and there was a fan climbing out of the trashcan. But as soon as she saw us, she screamed and fainted. Louis and I were pissing ourselves laughing as the security guards carried her away. She sure didn't smell good."

"Wow," I marveled. I was amazed at the sheer lengths fans would go to just to see a glimpse of the boys.

"It's mad."

I instinctively picked up my necklace and started playing with it. It was a habit of mine, along with chewing on it.

"You know, you always wear that necklace, but I still don't know what it means."

I looked down at the simple silver moon in my fingers. It was on a silver chain, one that I had gotten last year, after breaking one. I'd probably gone through twenty chains with this one necklace, but I wore it every single day. (A/N: Picture on side.)

"My mom gave it to me when I was like four, because of my birthmark," I explained, choosing my words carefully. The real reason I wore it every day was because it reminded me of my parents before drugs and alcohol consumed their lives, but I couldn't tell Harry that. "And I've worn it every day since."

"Oh," Harry said shortly. "You know, I would love to meet your parents sometime."

"Yeah, sometime," I said softly, trying to sound natural.

Harry smiled, and I couldn't help but feel guilty. He cared so much for me, and I was hiding such a big part of my past from him.

"Well I should get going, I should have been at sound check like ten minutes ago. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Oh course. Have a great show! And birthday!"

"Thanks, babe. I love you."

"I love you too."

Harry signed off of Skype and I sighed, slumping against my bed.

I grabbed my cell phone from where it was sitting on my bed and quickly opened up Twitter. I never really tweeted much- mostly due to the fear of having 200,000 Twitter followers reading whatever I said. I mean, I was literally a nobody aside from having a famous boyfriend. And I had two hundred thousand followers. That was fucking insane.

I opened up a new tweet and typed it out.

@ArRes: happy birthday @Harry_Styles! love you lots! have fun tonight, wish I was there<3

I read it over, deciding it was acceptable enough and clicked send.

The favorite, retweets, and replies flooded in literally seconds after sending it out. I read through some of them.

@1D4eva: oh my god, @ArRes is so sweet! Harden forever!!

@laurent413: @ArRes and @Harry_Styles are perfect! #HappyBirthdayHaz

@harryswhore: even though @Harry_Styles and I are meant to be together, you have to admit him and @ArRes are adorable

I smiled at how sweet their fans were. Of course, there were the occasional hate filled messages, but they were easy enough to ignore. The fans respected our relationship, and I respected them for that.

I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down to see that Harry had tweeted.

@Harry_Styles: @ArRes thanks babe :)

Before I could even reply to him, my phone vibrated with another tweet notification.

@zaynmalik: @Harry_Styles, get off your phone, you twat. we have sound check to do. quit distracting him, @ArRes

I laughed before typing a response to Zayn.

@ArRes: @zaynmalik sorry zayniepoo! I'll let you have your hazzie back now

The Directioners were blowing up with tweets about our interaction, but I closed out of Twitter and slid my phone into my pocket.

I left my room, my stomach growling and demanding food. "Alex?" I called.

"In here," she grunted. I followed her voice in the living room to find her spread out across the couch in a t-shirt and sweatpants. She'd wasted no time changing after work today.

"Attractive," I mumbled.

She flashed me a toothy smile, flipping through the channels on the tv. Her phone was in one hand, the remote in the other. "You're trending on Twitter," she said casually.

"What?" I spit out. I'd never "trended" before.

"Yeah. Harden is trending in the UK."

"Those girls are insane," I muttered, slumping onto the couch with Alex and grabbing a handful of the chips she was eating.

"Can't really blame them. You and Harry are like sickeningly cute," she said bluntly.

"Gee, thanks," I replied sarcastically.

"No problem," she shrugged, causing me to roll my eyes.

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