Day 289

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Day 289

My bedroom door slammed open and it was suddenly much too bright for my still tired eyes.

I groaned, but the stomping of feet was louder as someone made their way into my room.

There was a loud ruffle of papers before I felt someone throw something at me.

"Get up, bitch, you have things to fix," Alex growled in her ever-pleasant voice.

I groaned again, but Alex was incessant, grabbing my arm and yanking me upright. She picked up whatever she had thrown at me and thrust it into my face just as I was opening my eyes.

"Your pictures are all over," she stated simply, waving the now recognizable newspaper in my face. I plucked it out of her hands, my interest suddenly peaking.

Sure enough, there was a large picture of Marcus and I accompanied with a short paragraph.

Last we checked model Arden Resnell was dating pop-star Harry Styles of One Direction. However, Arden was spotted out last night with a mystery man, grabbing coffee before he walked her home. Is Arden moving on from Harry, or is she having a secret affair on the side? Neither side could be reached for comment.

I stared at the article in disbelief. If we were in the newspaper, we were certainly going to be on celebrity news shows. What if Harry saw?

"Get up, lazy ass. You need to fix this," Arden said, her voice steel. I could tell that she was right on the verge of singing the "I Told You So" song.

She dropped the newspaper and left the room, leaving me to fend for myself. I allowed myself to sit there and wallow in self pity for about a minute before I got up and got moving.

Chances were Harry hadn't seen it yet, but if I didn't move fast, he would. I needed to tell him before he saw it so I could avoid any conflict. He wouldn't be mad if he heard it from me first, right?

I quickly got up, throwing on some random jeans and a plain white shirt. Today wasn't really an effort kind of day. I threw my hair into a pony tail and added my favorite pair of black Toms to the outfit.

"Ok, I'm going to Harry and Lou's!" I called to Alex.

She grunted in response, but I was already half way out the door.

The stress didn't start to set in until I was in the cab. What was I going to say to him? Just tell him that Marcus and I went out last night and we were just friends but some paps got pictures of us?

It sounded rough even to me.

Before I was ready, we arrived at Harry's building and I climbed out, paying the driver.

I didn't let myself stop as I walked up the steps. I needed to get there before he saw it.

I knocked on their door twice and waited, silently rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Hello?- oh," Harry opened the door, not looking very happy to see me. I instantly felt my heart sink. Was he just confused or had he heard? "What are you doing here?" he asked in an unreadable voice. He was still standing in the doorway, not allowing me to enter.

"I, uh, just stopped by to talk," I said awkwardly, still trying to gauge if he had heard already or not. He seemed to be acting somewhat hostile, but maybe he'd just woken up a bit earlier than he was used to.

"To talk?" he dead-panned.

I nodded. "Could I maybe come in?"

He moved to the side and allowed me into their apartment. I stepped inside hesitantly, instantly scanning around for any newspapers laying around. I couldn't see any, but I also couldn't see into the kitchen.

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