Day 267

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Day 267

"Ok, I'll just meet you there then?" I said into the phone.

"Yeah, if you insist. See you in a bit, Ar."

"Love you," I grinned.

"Love you too," Harry responded before clicking off.

I jumped off my bed racing out of my room and into the living room. I skidded to a stop on the floor and turned to face Alex. "Hey, I'm gonna go meet Harry for dinner, okay?" I said to her.

Her eyes slowly moved from the tv to mine and I could immediately tell something was up.

"Oh yeah, perfectly fine," she said in the most sarcastic voice she could utter. "You and your boyfriend go enjoy a lovely meal out in public where everyone can see you because he isn't ashamed of you."

I stared at her with wide eyes, completely at  a loss for words. She was obviously referring to her and Zayn, but where was all this built up anger coming from? She'd never seemed angry before.

"Go on. Go and be 'Harry Style's girlfriend'. I'll just be here on the couch because I'm forced to have sex with a guy instead of real dates. God, he probably doesn't even like me- just my body," she exclaimed loudly.

I stared dumbfounded, genuinely shocked by this outburst.

"Just go, Arden!" she said, before picking up a pillow and burying her face in it.

I quietly left the room, retreating back to mine. I scooped my phone out of my pocket and dialed Harry's number.

"Hey Harry, I've got a bit of a situation and I'm going to have to postpone our date," I said once he's picked up.

"Oh," he said in confusion. I didn't blame him- I'd agreed literally two minutes ago. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just think Alex is having a bit of a mental breakdown and I should probably be here for her."

"Oh, yeah, definitely. Is she.. okay? Do you want me to call Zayn or something?" he offered.

"No! I mean, no, don't call Zayn. He's the trigger of the breakdown."

"Oh," Harry said, trying to process why Alex would be having a breakdown about Zayn. "Well I'll leave you two to a girls night. I hope Alex is okay."

"Thanks Harry. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said before hanging up.

I slipped the phone away and walked back into the living room to find a composed Alex, the only signs of the past melt down; smeared make-up, and slightly heavy breathing.

"I canceled with Harry," I said sitting down on the couch.

"You didn't have to do that," she said evenly.

"I wanted to. I know you're hurt by this whole Zayn thing, so why don't we talk about it?" I offered. Alex always put up these walls, and I just wanted her to talk to me about something. Especially something like this that was causing her so much pain.

"I don't want to talk about anything," she practically spat, standing up and walking to the door to the kitchen before suddenly whirling back around to face me. "It was just one little outburst- I'm sorry. It doesn't mean anything and there's nothing to talk about, okay?" she said harshly, and as if she was forcing her tone to stay even.

I nodded, knowing none of it was true. Zayn was hurting her and we both knew it. SHe just refused to admit it.

"Thank you," she breathed under her breath before continuing into the kitchen.

I sighed, leaning back into the couch. Maybe one say she'll talk about it.

(A/N)- I'm sorry it's so short! Please don't hate me! And updates might be a little slow until like next Wednesday because of AP tests, but I'll do my best. Let me know what your Alex/Zayn predictions are!

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