Day 256

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Day 256

I shifted in the uncomfortable chair, knowing it wasn't just the chair's fault that I was uncomfortable in this sterile, white-walled, blue-tiled box of a room. I anxiously glanced around, praying to whoever might hear me that nobody would recognize us.

"Here," Harry mumbled, shuffling back over and handing me a clipboard that contained a few papers of general medical information questions.

Normally, it would have been hard to fill them out while wearing sunglasses and inside, but considering the room was so ridiculously lit, I was able to keep the glasses on and not blow our covers.

We both have donned hats, sunglasses, and baggy sweatshirts to at least try and hide our identities while at the doctor. Well, the obstetrician, to be technical.

I finished up the forms and walked them back up the front desk, earning a half-smile, half-confused look from the receptionist. I mean, I did look like a confused and deranged hobo while wearing this outfit, so I didn't hold it against her.

About six minutes later, a nurse in soft purple scrubs came out and called us back. She took my weight and my vitals and drew a bit of blood, all the normal things before leaving us alone in a room and telling us the doctor would be in shortly.

I warily looked over at Harry, but he was looking at anything but me. Since I'd told him "the news" he'd pretty much avoided all necessary contact with me. This was the first time I had even seen him in person, and he had barely said hello.

I'm pretty sure the only time he even called me was to tell me when the doctor's appointment was.

I just continued to remind myself that he was simply upset, he wasn't actually mad at me.

Personally, I'd spent most of the last week pretending like it wasn't happening. If I didn't face the reality, maybe it would just go away. Well, that's what I told myself anyway.

I don't think Harry told any of the other boys anything. That or they didn't care enough to contact me. Which would be very unlikely, so I'm just assuming he was using the whole "ignore it and it'll go away" tactic too.

I started fidgeting on the chair/bed type thing I was stationed on, growing more and more nervous about what the doctor was going to say.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door, followed by a little round face being poked into the room.

"Hello there! I'm Dr. Fields," the short woman said in an overly chipper voice that just felt so wrong in the situation.

I said a quiet and polite hello, but Harry remained in his mood and didn't even flinch. It didn't seem to faze Ms. Perky though, I'm sure she's dealt with worse.

"Well, I've looked over your tests and I have some unfortunate news," she said, an over exaggerated frown on her face. I don't think I liked this lady.

Harry seemed to finally straighten up and actually focus on her, probably caring about what she was going to say.

"I'm really sorry to tell you, but you're not pregnant. It was a false positive. It happens quite often, and I'm really sorry if this is disappointing for you two," she finished, but I barely heard what she said after she had said "you're not pregnant".

It was like the nightmare was over. I felt free again.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked in an unsteady voice.

The doctor nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately. Our tests are fool-proof, unlike those at-home pregnancy tests."

The rest of the appointment was a blur, but within a few minutes Harry and I were back in his car.

I turned to face him, almost ready to have a mental breakdown after the release of so much tension and stress, but when I turned, Harry's face was a lot closer than I had expected it to be and he practically crashed his lips onto mine.

I was hesitant at first, because I was sort of mad at him for being so pissy the last week, but I quickly gave in to my stupid hormones and just let it go. Harry was what I needed right now, and I could hardly blame him for acting poorly- it was a rough situation.

"I'm so sorry," he breathed out as he pulled a couple inches away from me. As I focused in on his face, I could just make out a tear rolling down him cheek. A sincere one.

"It's okay. I get it," I replied. And I did. It wasn't his fault. He may have taken his stress out on me, but I couldn't blame him for it.

And that was all we had to say to each other. Nothing else was needed because we were just both so elated at the thought of not being pregnant.

I know that sounds awful, but I mean, Harry and I as parents? I mean, we'd be like a comedy show. And plus, Harry would be away on tour all the time and I have my modeling career.

Now just isn't the right time for us to have kids. The future? Maybe. But not right now.

(A/N)- Super short! But it had to be in here! Hope you guys aren't mad at me for creating the baby problem and then ending it so quickly, but I mean, I just sort of needed to show more about their relationship. Anyway, updates might be a little slow for like the next two weeks because I have theater rehearsals like crazy (I do backstage stuff), but I'll do my best!

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