Day 1

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Day 1

"Well, I guess that's all. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to come find me. My office is right there," Stan explained.

"Thank you," I smiled. Stan looked like he was about 50, but he could not keep his eyes off of my exposed legs. Note to self: wear longer skirts to work.

He walked off and I settled into my brand new desk. I had only graduated from high school the previous year, but my uncle had managed to land me an incredible job at SYCO Records as a receptionist.

I immediately got to work on the things that Stan had shown me. It was honestly a fairly simple job, just managing the records and scheduling recording sessions and meetings and such. Perfect for a girl straight out of high school.

I pulled up my e-mail and also the various spreadsheets and programs I would be using. It was a super easy job, but paid nicely enough for me to have my own apartment in London, which is no small feat.

"Oh, hello, you must be the new receptionist," a voice said. I quickly looked up from my computer to be greeted by the one and only- Simon Cowell.

I nodded, slightly star struck. Of course I'd figured I'd meet him eventually, but not on my first day. And definitely not him coming up to talk to me.

"What's your name, love?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Arden Resnell," I stuttered out, silently cursing myself for being so nervous.

He let out a light chuckle. "Lovely name. Well, I have a meeting to attend, but I'll be seeing you around quite a bit, I presume."

He waved as he walked off and I remained frozen in my chair.

Chances were I was going to be meeting quite a few stars, so I really needed to get this star struck thing over with.

I forced myself to refocus on my work, organizing files and scheduling various things, occasionally answering the phone.

About an hour later, the door swung open. I looked up to find five boys about my age walking into the room. No, walking over to me.

"Hello! You must be new!" one of them grinned, bounding up to my desk. I didn't recognize them, but they could be a new band or something. The one who spoke to me had swooshy, brown hair and bright, blue eyes. Upon further inspection, none of the boys were unattractive by any means. Actually, they were all quite fit.

I nodded, smiling at them. "Yes, first day actually. I'm Arden."

"Arden?" a blonde one said in a thick Irish accent.

I nodded.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I looked to the left where the voice had come from and my eyes met a pair of sparkling, green ones. He had the craziest curly hair I'd probably ever seen, but it weirdly worked for him.

I couldn't tear my eyes away, but it seemed that neither could he. The smirk he was wearing fell off his face, and was instead replaced by one of concentration as we stared at each other.

Just as it was starting to get awkward, another boy with light brown hair cleared his throat. "Um, we have a meeting with Simon, but Louis over here forgot which room it was in. Could you look it up for us? We're One Direction, by the way," he smiled, nodding towards the first boy who had spoken when he said "Louis".

I quickly checked the schedule. "Sure, you guys are in conference room 34."

They all nodded appreciatively and moved to walk down the hall.

Just as the other four rounded the corner, the culry haired one glanced back over his shoulder. Our eyes locked for a split second and he sent me a cheeky wink before following after his bandmates.

Little did I know, today was the day that would change the rest of my life.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! So this is my new fan fiction! I decided to post this in sort of honor of one of my stories reaching 5,000 reads! Thank you so much for everyone who's read it, and if you haven't, you should!(: Anyway, if  you've ever seen 500 Days of Summer, it's loosely based off of that movie. That being said, plan on the chapters being fairly short, due to the fact each one only covers one day. However, there should be around 50 chapters, so hopefully that makes up for it! Also, dedication to beyoutiful1D who designed the awesome cover! Make sure you check her out, her story is awesome! Thanks guys!(:

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