Day 224

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Day 224

I stared at my silent phone. Marcus hadn't texted me since last night. Now, I didn't want to sound desperate or clingy or anything, but he'd clearly ignored two text messages.

And that was unusual.

I sighed, getting up and ruffling my hair. I had fully embraced the sloppy Sunday look with my gray sweatpants and long-sleeve black t-shirt.

I stumbled into the living room, turning on the television and settling into the couch. Alex had gone out before I was even awake, so I was home alone. I think she was with Zayn, but I wasn't totally sure.

I was past the point of caring, and ended up pretty much strewn across the couch, almost upside down. A wedding show came on and I quickly changed the channels.

The next channel was some celebrity news that was talking about Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. I listened in, only because who wouldn't be interested in the love life of Spiderman, right?

The story on Emma and Andrew continued for a couple minutes before they cut to commercial break. I entertained myself with Twitter on my phone while waiting for the ads to end.

My follower count was ridiculously high, from both dating Harry and my modeling career, and it surprised me every time I logged on.

I sent out a quick tweet about lazy Sunday. I wasn't much of a "tweeter", but I had to at least keep up appearances, right?

The replied instantly started flooding in. I usually didn't read them, cause they were always questions about Harry and I or people asking me to follow them. Mixed in was the occasional hate-filled message, which had significantly increased ever since our break-up. And those ones really sucked.

I closed out of the app and turned back to the tv, which had just come off of commercial break.

"Welcome back! And now, I'm sure you all remember Arden Resnell, right? Ex-girlfriend of One Direction heart throb Harry Styles?"

I groaned, but couldn't bring myself to turn it off. I was actually sort of interested in why I was in the news. I however didn't like still being linked to Harry.

"Well, since their recent split, Arden's been quite busy! Not only has she started a whole new career as a model, but she's also been out and about with a new mystery man!"

I watched as blurry pictures of Marcus and I leaving the restaurant flashed up on the screen. Did these people really have nothing better to talk about?

"We don't know the identity of her new man, or if they're dating or not, but the two were seen at dinner together a few nights ago. I think they make quite the cute couple, even if he is no Harry Styles, am I right?"

My eyes widened. What if Harry saw this? How would he feel about me going on a date with Marcus?


Why should I care how he felt?

He fucking cheated on me with Taylor Swift.

"But we can guarantee you that this isn't the last you're going to hear from Arden Resnell! We have her latest modeling photos, and the talk of the town is that she's the next biggest thing!"

I watched as pictures of me flashed on screen. My body contorted in abstract poses in some, in others I looked more natural and radiant. They had a larger selection than I had expected, and I patiently watched as they showed all of my pictures.

"So don't be forgetting the name Arden Resnell anytime soon!" the host finished with a cheesy smile before moving on to a movie review.

I sighed.

Well, it could have been worse.

(A/N): I know, it's super short! But it was just a necessary chapter, and I'll try to get the next one posted soon, cause this one was like ridiculous length o.O

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