Day 31

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Day 31

Ever since the SYCO party, Harry and I had been talking more than ever. And I most definitely wasn't complaining about it.

"Good morning Arden," a voice called. I looked up just in time to see Alex breezing past.

"Hey Alex," I grinned.

"Happy Halloween!" she said, catching me off guard.

"It's Halloween?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

Alex let out a breathy laugh. "Well, it's October 31st, so..."

I rolled my eyes. "So then where's your costume?"

"Silly Arden. My costume is definitely not appropriate for the workplace," she winked.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "And what exactly are you going as?"

"You'll just have to wait and see. You're coming to this party with me."

"I am?"

"Yes! So you better have a costume!"

I laughed. "I think I can pull something together."

"You better!"

"So is Zaaayn going to be there?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

Her eyes narrowed. "You're only asking because you want to know if Harry will be there."

"Shut up. Get back to work."

She casually flipped me off before trapiezing back down the hallway. Alex was one of Simon's interns, which she usually joked meant she pretty much got people coffee. But considering it was a paid internship, I don't think she minded all that much.

Since she had thoroughly avoided my question, I was still left wondering if Harry would be at this party. I was also left wondering what the hell I was going to dress up as. Considering I'd just moved in, I didn't really have any old costumes I could use. Guess I was going to have to go shopping.


"Just come over to my place," Alex suggested.

I considered the offer. I'd never been to Alex's apartment, but it seemed like the best option. I had had zero success in the great costume hunt.

Not that I'd really tried that hard.

"Alright, fine."

She squealed with excitement. "I'll text you my address! See ya in a few!"

A minute later, I received the text. I recognized the road. She lived just around the corner, so I figured I could just walk over.

I grabbed my purse, keys, phone, etc. and set out, locking the door behind me.

I walked through the chilly air, loving the way it felt on my heated skin. I smiled to myself, my feet hitting the pavement. I loved this city. It was so busy and so full of life. Growing up in Ohio, I didn't know much about city life. At all.

I easily found her building. It looked older, the red bricks practically crumbling to the ground.

I walked inside and was instantly hit by a sour stench. I crinkled my nose, but made my way to Alex's apartment.

I only had to knock once before the door swung open and Alex ushered me inside. Her apartment was neat, but considerably smaller than my own.

"Alex, your building sucks," I remarked.

She groaned. "Tell me about it. But it's all I could find."

"Why don't you just move in with me?" I suggested, the idea popping into my head.

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