Day 278

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Day 278

"I have to go now! I'm already late!" I yelled, practically hopping around with one shoe on, searching frantically for the other.

"Oh, oh, found it!" Alex screamed from across the apartment. I sprinted towards her voice and she chucked the nude colored shoe at me.

"Thank you! You're the best!" I panted as I pulled the shoe on and straightened out my patterned dress.

"Now get out of here! We'll be there in time for the show," she grinned. "Good luck, Ar, you'll be great!"

"Thanks Alex," I called as I left the apartment. "Make sure the boys aren't late!"

"We won't be!"

I slammed the door behind me and hurried down the stairs as quickly as possible, without breaking my ankles in these heels.

I hailed a cab and told him the address of the venue, praying there wouldn't be too much traffic and we could get there quickly. I was supposed to be there in like five minutes and we were at least fifteen away, without traffic.

I drummed my fingers against the seat, mentally pushing the cab along.

I felt my phone buzz in my purse.

It must by Elena texting me to yell at me for being late.

I sighed, pulling it out of the pocket and glanced down to see a text not from Elena, but from Harry.

Harry: good luck, babe! can't wait to watch xx

I grinned at the text, finally glad that I had invited the boys to my runway show. At first I was worried about inviting them because I knew it would mean added pressure to be perfect and not mess up, but as long as I stayed calm, I'm sure I'd do fine.

I quickly sent him a reply.

Arden: thanks, Har! love you, hope you enjoy the show ;D

I felt my phone buzz in my hand soon after sending the text and I was surprised at his response time. But of course, when I checked, it wasn't him. It was Elena.

Elena: Where are you? Call time was promptly 5:00. It's 5:01.

I internally groaned, hardly believing how annoying she could be.

I typed back a response, growing more and more antsy as I sat in the back of the cab.

Arden: On my way, got held up in traffic.

Her answer came quickly.

Elena: Hurry up.

The taxi was making good time, considering the traffic wasn't as bad as I had expected. We should be there within the next couple minutes.

I started tapping my foot, but soon enough, the cab came to a stop and I handed the driver his money, before sprinting out the door and into the venue.

"You're late," Elena snapped as soon as I rounded the corner into the backstage preparation area.

"Sorry, I got here as quickly as I could," I said, glancing around and noticing that I was hardly the only person missing. Tons of the other models still hadn't arrived.

"Well being late is unacceptable. You make-up artist is waiting for you," she said harshly, practically shoving me in the direction of the make-up chair.

I huffed, deciding not to start anything with Elena. Now was not the time or place. I let the make-up artist get to work as I resigned to sitting silently and obeying her commands of opening and closing my eyes and other various muscle contractions.

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