Day 248

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Day 248

I collapsed onto the couch exhausted from a morning of photo shoots only to be followed by an entire afternoon of sitting through meetings with Elena.

"Somebody's home late," Alex called from the kitchen.

I grumbled in response, peeling myself off the couch and following the scent of whatever she must be cooking into the kitchen. "What are you making?" I asked as I stumbled into the room.

"Macaroni and cheese," she grinned.

"Wow, it's like a five star restaurant in here," I snorted.

"Hey, don't give me sass. At least I'm cooking for you."

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond. I didn't want her to end up refusing to feed me or something.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom," I told her as I felt a pressure on my bladder.

She nodded, too busy stirring her noddles.

Once there, I took care of my business. However, when I was finished and flushing the toilet, something caught my eye. A box of tampons was sitting out on the counter. I stared at it as I washed my hands, trying to think. Was I? No, I couldn't be.

I quickly left the bathroom, my hands still dripping wet. "Alex?" I called loudly.

"Yeah?" she yelled back.

"What's the date?" I asked suspiciously as I crept back into the kitchen.

"Uh- it's June 5th. Why?"

My eyes widened. "Shit," I whispered more to myself.

"What? Arden?" she asked, finally giving me her full attention instead of the stove. "What's wrong? Did you forget to do something?"

I shook my head. "Alex, I need to run to the store."

"What? But dinner's almost ready. Can't you just wait til we eat?"

I gulped. "Yeah, I guess," I said uneasily.

She nodded, watching me with concern. After a minute she returned her attention to her pasta. "What's at the store that's so important anyway?"

"I- I think I might be pregnant," I whispered.

The kitchen was dead silent and Alex didn't move.

I counted to five in my head before she finally looked up. "Are you serious? Are you fucking with me? Cause I will fucking kill you if you're shitting me."

I shook my head. "My period's late, Alex," I said, feeling tears prickling at my eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen to me. We were always careful and I was on the pill. How could this happen?

The wooden spoon Alex was holding smacked onto the counter top. "Screw dinner. We're going to the store," she said, already leaving her position behind the counter and rushing to grab her shoes.

I quickly turned off the stove she had carelessly left on and then followed after her, taking deep breaths so I would remain as calm as possible.

We pretty much flew down the stairs and across the street to the closest little, general store. Once inside, we made a beeline for the pregnancy tests and Alex grabbed the first one she could find.

Once we had it, we ran to the cashier and practically threw money at the poor old woman.

Soon enough, we were back in the apartment and Alex was shoving the little box in my hand and pushing me towards the bathroom. I obliged, my entire heart racing with what could happen.

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