Day 93

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Day 93

On New Year's Day, I woke up not only depressed and angry, but also extremely hungover.

Needless to say, I was not in a good mood as I sat on the couch, my hands full of a steaming cup of hot chocolate, aimlessly flipping through the channels.

I was extremely conscious of my phone sitting next to me on the cushion, and I was practically begging for it to vibrate and for Harry to be on the other end.

But in these past three months, I had definitely learned just how stubborn Harry could be. Unfortunately, I could be equally as stubborn.

I was mainly watching my phone, my attention only partly occupied by the television set.

Well, until I heard my name.

My ears instantly perked up and I turned to the celebrity news show. Why the hell would I be on tv?

"Now, everyone knows heartthrob Harry Styles and his beautiful girlfriend Arden Resnell, right?" the reporter said, a snarky smile on her face, as if she knew something the rest of us didn't. As if she held the secrets to the entire fucking universe. I was tempted to throw a shoe at her, but I forced myself to contain my emotions so I could find out what she was on about.

"Well just last night, the two were spotted at a New Years Eve party together. However, Arden was later seen leaving the club without Harry and taking a cab home. Here's a picture from our inside sources."

A dark, blurry picture flashed onto the screen. You could easily tell it was me, though. And that I was alone. I was climbing into a cab, my face only partially turned towards the camera. Luckily, I didn't look like a total drunken mess, but it still wasn't flattering in any light.

"So is there trouble in paradise or just a designated driver issue? Are Styles and Resnell calling it quits? Many have speculated that the couple wouldn't last long. What do you think, Todd?"

The screen then flashed to a male reporter who was clearly sitting in the same room, just with a different backdrop. "Well, Julienne, I personally think that Harry and Arden look incredible together, but there's no way the relationship could last. I mean, look at them. Harry's on his way to becoming one of the most famous men on this planet, and Arden works at SYCO. There's no way she'd be able to keep up with his hectic schedule."

By now I was standing in front of the tv, absolutely fuming. "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed before jamming the power button. I glared at the now black screen. Those reporters didn't know what they were talking about. This was just one little fight.

As I stared at the screen, I heard a faint buzzing sound. I quickly recognized it as my phone vibrating and I immediately sprinted back to the couch, swiping up the phone and pressing it to my ear. "Hello?" I breathed out, silently praying it would be Harry who responded.

"Hey Ar," Alex's sweet voice said.

I frowned before realizing how ridiculous hoping it was Harry had been. Of course he wasn't going to call me. "Hey Alex."

"You were on the news," she said evenly, as if testing the waters. As if testing me. Seeing if I was emotionally and mentally stable.

"I saw," I replied in an expressionless voice.

"So what happened?"

I let out a deep sigh. "We had a fight at the party last night. I don't think it's that big of a deal. We'll be fine." My words didn't hold much meaning to them. Even I could tell.

"That's exactly right. You guys will be fine, sweetheart. I promise. Don't listen to those assholes on tv. They're just mad that they can't get ass as fine as yours."

I laughed at Alex, enjoying the feeling and truly appreciating it.

"Thanks Alex," I said contentedly.

"I'm always here for you, babe. And I'll be back tomorrow and we can talk in person then."

"Sounds good. But speaking of boys- talked to Zayn lately?" I asked, instantly perking up.

"Not super recently, no," she replied calmly. I was so envious of the way nothing ever got to Alex. She took everything in strides, as if nothing could touch her. "We're just friends. We've had the conversation."

"Well, okay then. And that doesn't bug you or anything?"

"Not really."

I shook my head, amazed at how unfazed she was.

"Well, I have to go pack up and stuff. I'll see you later, boo. Bye."

"Bye," I grinned, hanging up the phone.

I set the phone down next to me, my eyes remaining glued to it.

Don't call him. Don't call him.

I repeated the mantra through my head over and over, chewing on my bottom lip. If I couldn't call Harry, I decided to do the next best thing.

I swiped up the phone and dialed Louis' number.

"Arden!" he answered cheerfully on the second ring.

"Hey Lou," I replied.

"What's up, babe?" he asked, suddenly more serious. Had he talked to Harry? Or maybe it was just unusual for me to randomly call him. Especially when he was out of town with his family.

"Have you talked to Harry?" I asked quietly.

Louis remained quiet for a minute before letting out a small sigh. He'd definitely heard from him. "Yeah. He called earlier."

"And?" I asked, practically pleading.

"He was really upset. He said he was angry at you, but also angry with himself, and also he missed you a lot. He was rambling quite a bit. Seemed very conflicted," Louis said thoughtfully.

Well at least Harry missed me. "He's mad at me?"

"Yeah. You shouldn't have danced with Josh, Arden."

Now it was my turn to sigh. "But why does it matter, Louis? It's not like I cheated on Harry with him! Plus, why does Harry hate Josh so much?"

"Harry and Josh have a lot of history together."

"Like?" I demanded. "If Harry is going to be mad at me, I at least have a right to know what I did wrong."

Louis paused for a minute, probably internally debating with himself. "They went to high school together. Josh was a year older than Harry, but apparently Josh always liked picking on Haz. One day, Harry decided to stand up to Josh, so now they're at more of an even hatred. I don't know many details, all I know is that Harry absolutely hates his guts and Josh despises Harry."

I processed Louis' information. "Okay, well, I understand why Harry's mad, but how can he expect me to have known that?" I exclaimed. I couldn't read minds!

"I dunno, Ar. But maybe you should just go apologize."

My mouth settled into a thin line. Arden Resnell was never one for apologies. Especially when it wasn't my fault. "We'll see," I replied curtly.

"Arden. I'm serious. Don't let this ruin your relationship."

"You? Louis Tomlinson? Being serious?" I tried joking.

"Oh shut up," he said, but I could hear a hint of a smile in his voice. "I'll see you later, Ar. Don't be stupid."

"Yeah, yeah. Bye Louis."

"Bye Arden!" he trilled.

I hung up and threw my head against the back of the couch.

No calling Harry.

It was going to be a long day.

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