Day 406

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Day 406

"I'm running to the store," I said to Alex as I passed by her. She was spread out on the couch, her usual position.

"Wait, Ar," she called, her voice strangely uneasy, instantly putting me on high alert. It was never a good sign if something was bad enough to make Alex uneasy.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around and slowly walking back to her, hovering in front of where she was now staring at me, her phone held up in front of her.

"There's something you should see."

I took a deep breath as she extended the phone towards me. My eyes landed on the screen which had the Sugarscape website up. The article was titled "Harry Styles' New Girl? What Happened to Arden?"

I scrolled through, skimming the text. What really caught my attention were the pictures of Harry and a girl with long, black hair. The captions said that they had been spotted out yesterday, eating lunch and walking together.

Sugarscape was just as confused as I was over who she was and why Harry was with her instead of me.

Sure, Harry and I hadn't spoken since our slight disagreement at the club the other day- but it didn't mean anything.

We were just letting it blow over.

But now he was out with another girl? And right after he had gotten so mad at me for innocently dancing with some random guy? A lunch date is a lot more intimate than dancing with a random guy in a club.

I handed Alex back the phone.

"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. "I'm going to go talk to Harry."

Alex didn't say anything as I continued through the apartment and out the door.


I knocked loudly on Harry and Louis' door, conflicted on if I wanted Harry to actually be at home or not. I was half wishing Louis would answer the door and say he wasn't here.

But it wasn't Louis who answered the door. Or Harry.

"Hello?" a very feminine  voice asked as she opened the door.

I stared with wide eyes at the black haired girl- the same one who had been in the pictures with Harry.

"Oh, you're Arden aren't you?" she exclaimed loudly, as if suddenly realizing who I was.

"It's Arden?" Harry's booming voice came from behind her, followed by his loud footsteps.

I stared in horror as Harry appeared behind her. The two stared at me and I stared back.

Suddenly I turned around, deciding this was the worst idea of my life. I started walking away from the door, but Harry quickly caught up with me.

"Arden, what are you doing here?" he asked, grabbing my arm and forcing me to stop.

"What do you mean? I'm your fucking girlfriend, if you happened to forget! What the hell is she doing here?" I cried, motioning towards the girl.

Harry sighed, motioning for me to follow him into the apartment but I shook my head.

"Arden, we're going to talk," he commanded.

"You can't tell me what to do," I scoffed.

Instead of responding, he grabbed my arm and quite literally dragged me into the apartment with him and whoever the hell that girl was.

He forced me to sit on the couch and he sat across from me.

"Well, I'll leave you two be! Bye Harry!" the girl called as she grabbed a purse off the table in the hallway and waved at Harry. "And bye Arden, it was nice meeting you!"

"Bye Serena," Harry said back, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Serena" left the apartment, closing the door quietly behind her.

"What the fuck, Harry?" I exclaimed, already ready to leave.

He glared at me. "Are you seriously upset? You don't even know what was going on."

"Well I do know that there were pictures of you two out together yesterday and now I found her at your place today and I don't know about you, but that doesn't look very good in my eyes."

"Arden, we're just friends. We went to school together and she was in town, so we had lunch and then she left her coat in my car, so she came over to get it and we ended up hanging out for a while. You never even let me explain," he proclaimed, exasperated.

"I never let you explain? Do I need to remind you of the club incident? I was innocently dancing with some random guy- I have no idea what kind of history you have with this girl!" I yelled, standing up from the couch.

Harry stood up too, both of us becoming worked up. "It was hardly innocent! And I'm allowed to go out with any girl I want, it's none of your business!"

"Oh, is it not? So can I go out with any guy?" I shot back.

"Do you think I fucking care what you do?"

"Yes! I do! Because that's generally what people in committed relationships do! They care about each other, you asshole!" I screamed.

"Well then maybe we shouldn't be in a 'committed relationship'!" he yelled back, mocking the words "committed relationship".

"Fine!" I huffed, hardly even realizing what I was saying- I was too upset to process anything.

"Fine!" he declared in return.

I turned on my heel and stomped out of his apartment, slamming the door behind me.

Only once I got completely outside the building did the reality of the situation hit me. I froze where I was, feeling like all the wind had been knocked out of me.

What the hell did we just do?

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