Day 40

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Day 40

I sprung out of bed, already looking forward to 7 tonight when I was scheduled to go over to Harry's place and just hang out. It was so casual and friendly, but I couldn't help but feel nervous.

What if I did something embarrassing? What if I looked like an idiot? I swallowed my fears, forcing myself in the direction of the bathroom and into the shower.


"Someone looks nice," Alex commented as I walked into the kitchen.

I grinned in response. "Why thank you, my dear flat mate."

Alex rolled her eyes. "So I take it your excited for your date tonight?"

I nodded, grabbing a granola bar and an apple for my breakfast.

"Come on, we're going to be late," I said, grabbing my purse and slipping on some simple, black shoes. Alex followed me out the door and we headed down the familiar sidewalk.

"So what's your plan for after this internship?" I asked, turning to Alex.

She shrugged. "Hopefully get a job at SYCO. Something in the music industry. What about you?"

I shrugged. Coming here had been step 1. I was yet to discover step 2. "Undecided at this point."

We completed the short walk soon after, escaping the London summer heat and entering the air-conditioned building.

"See ya later!" Alex called as she waltzed off to do whatever she does all day and I settled into my desk.


"Ready Freddy?" Alex asked, popping up to my desk, purse in hand.

"Yup," I grinned, throwing my final paper into my purse and zipping it closed. I stood and followed Alex out into the frigid London air.

"I just love this city," Alex breathed out, her face turned to the sky, breathing in the cold air.

"Could be a little warmer. But yeah, definitely," I smiled.

"So when are you meeting Mr. Styles?" Alex asked, turning her head back to face me.

"I'm going over around 7."

"Perfect, plenty of time to get you all dolled up," Alex grinned mischeviously.


The boys only lived a few blocks away, so I decided to just walk there.

After plenty of arguing with Alex, we'd finally decided on a simple, casual outfit made up of a black, lacy, skin-tight shirt with long, lace sleeves, plain skinny jeans, and tall black boots, all under a warm, fitted black jacket. My hair was straight, as usual, and flowed down my back. I had even allowed Alex to do my make-up, which consisted of light, smoky eyes, helping to accent my dark gray eyes.

I arrived in front of the apartment building at exactly 7:02. The building was nice and very similar to the one Alex and I lived in. I followed Harry's instructions and made my way to the stairs and then up them to the third floor, easily finding the apartment Harry and Louis shared. Apparently the other three boys each had their own places, but they all lived in the same building. But then why did Harry and Louis share a flat? Maybe their bromance is a bit more real than I ever gave it credit for...

I rapped on the door, patiently waiting the brief few seconds before it swung open, revealing a grinning Harry. He was wearing skinny jeans and a plain gray t-shirt. It was a simple look, but it made my heart flutter all the same.

500 Days of Styles (1D FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें