Day 152

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Day 152

I sat down at the counter, gently sipping the tea and swinging my legs.

Since I'd joined the boys on tour, we were in our third hotel. This one, we were all sharing one massive suite that had three bedrooms. It was nice, but I had also learned living with these boys was not something I wanted to do again anytime soon.

"Morning Arden," Liam yawned cheerfully as he came into the shared kitchen space.

"Morning," I smiled. Liam and I were always the first two up and had spent most morning going out to breakfast together. It was like our own personal Arden/Liam time.

Liam made himself some tea and we both went into the living room, settling on the couches.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked. Liam was always the one to go to for schedule questions.

"Television interview at noon and then a concert tonight. Also, you may or may not be in the interview," he added quickly.

I practically spit tea out. "What? Why would I be in your interview?"

"Arden, you're all over the papers. And the station found out you were touring with us, so they asked for you to be on," Liam said as if it was no big deal.

"But- but I'm just some girl!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Just some girl dating the Harry Styles," Niall interjected as he slid into the room and sunk into one of the couches.

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh, lighten up, you'll be fine," Liam assured me.

"It's not that- I don't know what to wear!"

Liam and Niall both chuckled, rolling their eyes at my very serious dilemma.


"And today, we have an extra special treat for you all!" the interviewer said, a large smile on her face. I gripped Harry's hand tightly and he shot me a reassuring smile, followed me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You'll do fine," he whispered in my ear as the interviewer introduced us.

"We have One Direction here! And we have Harry Style's lovely girlfriend, Arden Resnell!" she said. The boys began walking out, waving at the crowd. Harry tugged on my hand, and I followed behind him in a daze, staring at the live audience and cameras with large eyes.

"Welcome, welcome," the interviewer greeted, flashing her unnaturally bright, white teeth.

We settled onto two separate couches, me farthest away from the interviewer, but closest to the crowd, hand still clutching Harry's in what had to be a painful grip.

"So, why don't we just go down the line for names. I'm sure everyone knows who you are, but just in case, hm?"

The boys nodded and began introductions.

"I'm Liam Payne," Liam stated with a little wave.

"I'm Niall Horan."

"Zayn Malik."

"Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!" Louis exclaimed with added enthusiasm.

"I'm Harry Styles."

Everyone turned to me and I quickly blurted what I had been rehearsing in my head ever since the interviewer mentioned introductions. "And I'm Arden Resnell," I said as calmly as possible, with a small smile on my face.

The interviewer nodded at us. "So, boys, on your first tour, hm?"

They nodded respectfully.

"How's tour been? Any crazy stories to share?"

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