Day 468

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Day 468

"Yeah, I suppose," I yawned into the phone, peaking my head above my covers to check my alarm clock.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I'd had an all night photo shoot, one where the photographer just "had to capture the moonlight essence". It was exhausting, so as soon as I had gotten home around 7 in the morning, I'd immediately crashed.

But then Harry decided to call and wake me up, his justification being an invite to a party. Because that was what I wanted to do while I still felt exhausted. But it was one of those famous people parties- one that Harry has to go to. And I wasn't going to make him go alone.

"Ok, so I'll pick you up at like 8?" he asked, stirring me away from my thoughts and back to the phone.

"See ya then," I answered, hanging up the phone and slumping back into my warm, inviting bed.

Before I let sleep completely overtake me, I made sure to set an alarm so that I wouldn't be late.


I bobbed my head to the beat, feeling Harry's hands pressing into my sides.

While parties like this weren't really my thing- I knew it was part of the famous lifestyle. Part of the lifestyle both Harry and I were sucked in to.

I spun to look at Harry- seeing his eyes glazed over.

"Want to head back to the booth?" I asked, leaning close so he could hear me.

He nodded and we made our way back to where we had left Liam and Jessie. The party was a birthday party for some British Olympian that apparently only knew Harry and Liam out of the five boys.

As we approached the booth we found Jessie messing around on her phone, no Liam in sight.

We slid in across from her as she looked up and smiled at us.

"Where's Liam?" Harry asked loudly- his words barely audible over the booming music.

"Bathroom," she answered, nodding towards the back corner where I assumed the bathrooms were.

"You guys want a drink? I could go for something a little strong," Harry asked, his eyes roaming the room with a look of exhaustion. At least I knew I wasn't the only one who didn't care all that much to be here.

"Yeah, a shot?" Jessie asked.

Harry nodded before turning to me. "Yeah," I responded.

He stood up and disappeared into the crowd as Jessie and I stayed sitting together.

"Having fun, yet?" Jessie asked, the sarcasm leaking out of her voice.

I shrugged.

"You look like you're in a funk. Wait, didn't you have that Enrique shoot last night?"

I nodded, my thoughts thinking back to the severe amount of sleep that shoot had cost me.

"Wow, I'm amazed you're even awake. Props to you for coming."

I laughed with her, nodding. Jessie knew what it was like.

"Did you and Liam go and dance?"

She shook her head. "No, some football player showed up and Liam had a field day talking with him. They spoke like best mates, but I've never met or heard of him before. So they got all chummy while I downed a couple glasses of this and that," she giggled. I hadn't even noticed until right then, but she was right. Jessie suddenly seemed a bit too giggly compared to her normal self.

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