Day 342

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Day 342

"Arden! Do you have the curler?" Alex yelled across the apartment.

I grunted, quickly turning back to my bathroom and grabbing the curler, adding it to the stack of utensils I was already carrying.

Apparently it didn't take an army to get a girl ready for a date, just an army of weapons.

I threw the things onto her bed as she pranced around, comparing outfits to necklaces to shoes to purses and other various accessories. At this rate, she wouldn't be ready to leave for another week or two.

I plugged in the curler and turned it on, letting it heat up while she debated between a green and a purple top.

"I like the purple one. It goes better with your blue eyes and plus, it's just cuter," I shrugged, not even turning to face her as I checked if the curler was heated.

Alex chucked the green shirt onto the discard pile and placed the purple one delicately on the bed. "Purple it is."

She then pranced over to where I was, plopping down onto the edge of the bed and sitting still. I immediately began brushing through her short, brown hair and then adding the light curls.

Curling Alex's hair was quick because we really just wanted a cute, bouncy wave once she shook them out.

Once her hair was finished, she slipped into the purple shirt and a pair of dark, skinny jeans.

I helped her pick out her jewelry and finish up her make-up.

Soon enough, there was a loud knock on the door.

"You grab your black flats, I'll get the door," I called to her as I waltzed out of her room and towards the door. I opened it up to reveal an anxious looking Zayn. "Hello, Zayn."

"Hey, Arden," he said, rocking back and forth on his feet nervously. "Is Alex ready to go?"

I nodded slowly, trying to gauge if he was nervous about the date or if he didn't want to actually be there. "She's just grabbing her shoes."

Zayn started fiddling with his fingers and was avoiding my gaze, his eyes randomly darting around the hallway. He seemed suspicious, if anything.

I shrugged it off, knowing that this was what Alex wanted and if it was the first step in wherever they were meant to go as a couple, then so be it.

"I'm here!" Alex called, finally materializing behind me. "You two seem tense. I hope Arden wasn't giving you 'the talk'," Alex joked, stepping past me and out to stand next to Zayn.

Zayn and I both laughed awkwardly and Alex simply shrugged, probably too excited to let anything phase her.

"Well, bye Arden!" Alex said as she grabbing Zayn's hand and pulled him away from the apartment and down the hall.

"Don't keep her out too late!" I called after their retreating figures.

Alex's head swiveled back around and she sent me one, quick wink before turning back to walk with Zayn.

I closed the apartment door, sighing. I hoped, for all of our sakes, that their date went well.


"Enough talking about them, I'm so sick of Alex and Zayn," Harry groaned into his end of the phone.

I sighed, knowing he was right, but I still couldn't help the feeling of wanting to talk about them. They were both extremely important to me, and I just wanted them to be happy.

"So how was your day?" I asked, trying to change the subject to appease Harry.

"It was alright, met with management to discuss some concert details. What about you?"

"Quick, early morning photo shoot. That was it," I shrugged.

"Everything working out with Wendy?"

"Yeah, she's great. I honestly couldn't have dreamed up a better agent," I beamed.

Before Harry could respond, the front door to the apartment slammed open. "I'm home!" Alex shrilled.

"I'm gonna go talk to Alex, I'll call you back?" I said to Harry.

He agreed and we both hung up just as Alex swished into the room, collapsing onto the couch.

"How'd it go?" I asked, somewhat tentatively.

"It was fantastic!" she beamed, turning to face me. Her face was glowing with joy. "Zayn was such a gentleman and we just had the greatest time and Ar, it was just incredible!" she swooned.

I smiled, happy for her. "That's really great, Alex."

She suddenly sprang off the couch. "Well, I'm off to bed! Nighty night!"

I watched her leave the room with confusion. She seemed very jumpy- I suppose it was just all the excitement and happiness. It just didn't seem very- well, Alex.

I sighed, getting up and following her to the bedrooms. Her door was firmly shut, so I decided to just drop it. Maybe she'd want to talk more about the date in the morning.

I crossed over to my room and entered. I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed before finally collapsing onto the bed and picking my phone back up.

I dialed Harry's number and waited for him to answer on the third ring.

"Hey Ar," he greeted.

"Hey Harry."

"Zayn just left," he said slowly, a hint of something lingering in his voice.

"Oh yeah? Why'd he stop by?"

"He just wanted to chat."

"About?" I pressed.

"What did Alex say about the date?" Harry asked, ignoring my question.

"She said it went great. What did Zayn want to talk about?" I asked again in a stricter tone.

Harry let out a loud sigh. "Zayn came by because he needed someone to talk to about how he didn't like Alex."

"He doesn't like her?" I whispered.

"Well he likes her as friends, but he said he didn't think he could have a serious relationship with her."

I rubbed my eyes, not wanting to deal with all this drama. "Ok, well he just better let her down easy. Like really easy."

"Yeah, he knows. He felt bad, Ar."

"Just- not a word of this to Alex, okay?"

"Of course," Harry agreed quickly.

"Alright. I'm going to sleep. You people wear me out," I yawned.

Harry let out a light chuckle. "Good night, Arden. I love you."

"Love you too."

(A/N): Dedication for this chapter goes out to each and every one of you! I just hit 300 followers and that's absolutely incredible. I actually made this account as sort of an escape from the problems of real life, somewhere where I could simply write whatever I wanted. And I've even considered abandoning it multiple times. But to know that there are so many of you out there who care about what I'm writing- it honestly means the world to me. So thank you so much, and I promise to keep writing as long as you all promise to keep reading!

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