Day 172

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Day 172

There was a loud knock at the door.

"Alex!" I yelled from where I was sprawled on the couch. I'd just gotten off of work, and there was no way in hell I was getting up.

"Get it yourself, fat ass!" Alex yelled back from her room.

"Alex! Please!" I whined.

"Get off your lazy ass!" she retorted back.

I stood up, mumbling profanities under my breath and walked to the door, clad in sweatpants and an old t-shirt.

I swung open the door, prepared to yell at whoever was on the other side.

My voice caught in my throat.

"Hey Arden," Harry said cheekily, his voice sounding so incredible. I hadn't heard his voice in person in three weeks.

"Wh- wh- what?" I stuttered as he held one hand behind his back, and I just continued to gap at the front door.

He chuckled, leaning forward and lightly pressing his lips to mine.

I snapped out of my trance, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh my god," I whispered against his lips.

He drew back, a huge grin plastered on his face as he brought his hand around to reveal a huge bouquet of roses. "For you, m'lady."

My heart all but melted as I took them from him, deeply inhaling their sweet scent. "But what are you doing here?" I asked stupidly.

"We got back a couple days early, and I wanted to pop by," he shrugged.

I glanced down at my attire, realizing I looked ridiculous in my sweatpants, compared to his nicer jeans and jacket.

I stepped out of the way, allowing him inside, still in a bit of a daze at his very presence. The very sight of him was intoxicating.

"I'm going to go put these in some water, and maybe change quickly," I said, chewing on my lip.

"Don't change on my be-half, I think you look stunning," Harry said sweetly.

I shook my head. "Nope, I look like a slob."

"A very lovely slob," he shot back.

I rolled my eyes. "Just go sit in the living room, I'll be right back."

He nodded as he moved away and I quickly rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the first vase I could find and filling it with water.

After throwing the roses in, I all but sprinted to Alex's room, banging on the door until she opened it, annoyance written all over her face.

"Go to Zayn's apartment," I hissed.

"What?" she asked, clearly confused.

"They got back early, and Harry's-" Before I could even finish my sentence, she had her shoes on and was rushing out the door.

"Hey Harry!" she called as she whisked through the living room.

"Alex," he greeted.

"Zayn's home right?" she asked, pausing as she slipped on her coat.

"Yup," Harry answered, popping the 'p'.

"Later losers!" she yelled, dashing out the door.

I chuckled as I slid onto the couch next to Harry.

He turned to face me. "You didn't change," he observed.

I looked down at my clothes, feeling stupid. "Shit," I mumbled.

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