Day 432

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Day 432

I settled onto the couch and glanced around at all the smiling faces. It was a rare sight to have all ten of us together at once, but we were all required for this interview.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry whispered in my ear, leaning far over on the couch and placing his hand on my knee.

I shrugged, turning to face him, finding his face much closer than I had expected. "I'm excited for the video," I said. It was the only response I could think of.

He nodded. "Yeah, I think it turned out pretty good. Did you know Ni and Katy are announcing today?"

"Oh, they are? Well about time. It's not like people wouldn't have figured it out from the video," I said with renewed enthusiasm. I was happy for them. They were truly incredible together.

"Alright, and we're live in 5-," the man with a clipboard started counting down. Harry and I both straightened our posture. "4- 3-" I smiled widely, looking straight into the camera that was pointed at us. "2- 1!"

The interviewer suddenly perked up in her chair. "Good evening everyone! Tonight we have a very special group of guests. And, later on, they'll be giving us the special treat of releasing their newest music video- Little Things! You won't want to miss that, I know I'm already looking forward to it! Of course you all already know them well, but let's meet the band, One Direction!"

Just as it was rehearsed, each boy recited their name along with a little wave to the camera.

"Welcome boys! And I see you each brought along a guest," she said, her eyes traveling between me and the other girls. "Harry, why don't you start by introducing your gorgeous gal?"

It was almost painful how hard she was trying.

"This is Arden, my girlfriend and model extraordinaire," he said in an overly posh voice.

I gave him a light shove with my shoulder in response as the other boys moved on to introducing their respective girlfriends.

When it was Niall's turn, I could see him visibly puff up a bit to deliver his introduction. "This is Katy, my girlfriend," he announced with a goofy grin on his face. Katy seemed to shrink back into the couch slightly, but her grin was visible for miles around. Her cheeks had turned bright pink, and I knew her mind must be whirling with all the hate she was expecting to receive from this announcement. But I also knew that she was strong enough to take it. Even with her insecurities, Katy was a fighter.

"And this is breaking news, am I correct?" the interviewer asked Niall.

He nodded. "We've been dating for a bit, but now just seemed like a good time to finally announce it."

"Well where did you two meet?" she pressed.

Niall seemed to give Katy a small nudge, wanting her to answer the question. After a slight pause, she finally did. "We met at a Jason Walker concert," she answered in her timid voice, not elaborating on the story.

Luckily, the interviewer picked up on her fear. "Well how fantastic! I wish you both the best of luck! But now, how about we talk about that music video? Zayn, would you mind telling us about the basic concept behind the video?"

Zayn nodded before answering, "Basically we tried to make it as laid back and simple as we good. It's basically just all of us and our girlfriends lounging around, having some fun."

"Oh wow, the girlfriends are part of the video! Arden, what was it like being in a music video and working with the guys?" Her soft eyes pointed directly at me as her mouth tugged up into a small smile.

"A lot of fun," I answered. "The guys are such idiots, so there was a lot of messing about, but the video is really heart-felt and meaningful. Shooting it was honestly one of my favorite days ever. "

She nodded in response, but was instantly on to the next topic. "I know that we've all heard the song before, and I think we can all agree how heart-felt the lyrics are. What inspired them? Did one of you write the song or have any influence over it?" she asked, her eyes searching the boys for an answer.

"We all had a part in the writing," Liam answered, jumping on the question quickly. "But I would say Harry probably had the most influence. He also wrote the song Truly, Madly, Deeply."

"You did, Harry?" the interviewer pressed.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I wrote it for Arden." After, he spoke, he turned to me, flashing me one of his famous grins. My head flooded with memories of our vacation. How I would kill to go back to the lazy days spent lying on the beach.

His hand slipped into mine, giving it a squeeze as the interviewer made an "aww-ing" sound and Louis made kissy faces in our direction.

Once Wendy had managed to get Louis settled down, the interviewer continued, "Well that might just be the cutest thing I've ever heard! And the only proper follow up to that would have to be the new music video! So, everyone, here's One Directions brand new video for-"

"Little Things!" we all chorused just as we had rehearsed.

The man who must have been the director yelled "cut" and the room was suddenly a whirl with motion and sound.

"Great job everybody!" another man boomed, clapping the interviewer on the back.

I found myself standing next to Katy, who was subtly shuffling her feet.

"Hey Katy," I grinned. There hadn't been much time before the interview to talk to everyone, and I wasn't even sure if Katy and I had spoken.

"Hi Arden. Did- did you think I was okay?" she asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.

I laughed, wrapping an arm around her. "Katy, you did amazingly. Everyone is going to love you."

She didn't look like she totally believed me, but at least enough to satisfy her for now.

"Want to watch the video?" Harry asked as he walked up beside me. As soon as the filming was done, he had made a mad dash towards Louis, most likely to punish him for his kissy faces.

I nodded, allowing Harry to lead me over to a couch with a laptop sitting in front of it. Harry pulled up the video and pressed play as we sat and watched.

Somewhere towards the middle, all the other boys and their girlfriends had joined us- making a large pack of people around the computer.

"That was beautiful," Wendy spoke as soon as the video had finished.

We all nodded along with her and my hand seemed to slowly find Harry's as I turned to face him.

"Thank you," I whispered softly.

A genuine, small smile appeared on Harry's face, just as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips came together just as the pack of people around us starting hooting, but none of that mattered.

I was here and I was with the man I loved.

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