Day 36

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Day 36

I absentmindedly drummed my fingers on my desk. Today was a Monday, and I was still running off the buzz of the weekend. Alex had moved in with me, and everything had been great so far. We'd worked out the financial parts, and had no trouble bringing her stuff over. It was so weird having someone to talk to at all times and to walk to work with. But I loved it.

"Oh hey flat mate," Alex grinned as she breezed over to me, handing me some files.

I greeted her with a smile, casually thumbing through the files.

"So anything exciting happen yet? Any cute guys..?" she trailed off, eyeing me expectantly.

I rolled my eyes. "No, Zayn hasn't been in. But they have a meeting with Simon in a little, so be in the area in like half an hour," I informed her, reading the schedule off the computer.

Alex beamed at me. "You're the best, Ar," she gushed, winking at me.

"I know," I sing-songed as Alex swept back down the hall.

I got back to work, paging through the files and scheduling various things.

Exactly 25 minutes later, Alex materialized back at my desk.

"So are you just going to wait here?" I asked, looking up at her.

"I'll just pretend like I'm helping you," she shrugged, picking up a piece of paper and pretending to read it, even though she was clearly not taking in a single word on the page.

"You're actually ridiculous," I said, rolling my eyes.

Alex opened her mouth to counter, but just then none other than the five boys waltzed through the front door.

"Hello ladies," Liam greeted in his normal demeanor, accompanied by a warm, inviting smile.

The others followed behind him, greeting Alex and I. Alex set the paper back on my desk, her eyes now glued to the boy with the black hair. Real subtle, Alex.

Alex moved away from my desk and instead sat near the boys, striking up an easy conversation.

I refocused my attention on my computer screen, although I could feel certain emerald eyes boring into the side of my head. However, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of looking over at him.

A couple minutes passed before he finally stood up and walked over to my desk.

"Hey Arden," he said in his normal, deep voice.

"Harry," I nodded, removing my eyes from the computer and instead meeting his.

"So our album's coming along really well," he said, obviously trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah? I'd love to hear it sometime," I said casually.

"Really? Well we have some sort of rough draft copies. We could listen to it sometime or something," he said quickly, slightly rambling.

I smiled at his eagerness. "Yeah, it'd be cool," I said, still not completely giving in.

"Oh, awesome. How about Friday? You can come by Louis and I's flat and we can listen to some of it?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Are you asking me on a date, Harry Styles?"

His face instantly turned red. I loved how most of the time he was this flirtatious, cocky kind of guy, but I was able to make him blush and stumble over his words.

"I- I- Yeah. I think I am," he managed.

I smiled genuinely. "Well I would love to. Just text me the address and details."

His face lit up with a grin. However, before he could say anything, my desk phone started ringing. I glanced at it, seeing it was an office number, not an outside booking or anything.

"Hello, Arden speaking," I answered as Harry watched me.

"Hello Arden. Can you please tell the boys I'm ready for them?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Cowell."

"Thank you, love."

And with that I hung up from my call with the Simon Cowell.

"He's ready for you guys," I called to the whole group. They all rose and walked off down the hall.

"I'll talk to you later, Arden," Harry smiled as he breezed past my desk.

As soon as the last retreating body was out of sight, Alex quite literally bounced over to my desk.

"So I think Zayn and I might be getting somewhere," she squealed. "He said he would love to hang out sometime. We didn't plan anything, but it's a start!" she gushed, a huge smile on her face.

"You're like a little school girl," I said, rolling my eyes.

She laughed but suddenly turned very serious. "So what's up with you and Harry? You guys seemed to have a nice conversation," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"He asked me out," I replied casually. even though my heart was still doing flips inside of my chest. I don't think I'd even fully processed the fact he had asked me on a date.

"What!?" she shrieked much too loudly for the setting.

"Shh," I hushed, glancing around and making sure nobody came rushing down to see who died. "We're just hanging out on Friday."

"That's awesome!" she said, now much quieter.

"Yeah," I said, not being able to control the goofy smile that had appeared on my face.

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