Day 146

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Day 146

"I can't believe you get to go and I don't" Alex pouted from where she was sitting on my bed.

"Oh, hush up. Harry's my boyfriend," I called out to her from where I was practically buried in my closet, throwing clothes into a suitcase.

"But, but- Ugh, shut up," she huffed.

"What's up with you and Zayn anyway?" I asked more seriously, as I riffled through my shirts.

"Nothing. We're just friends. With the occasional benefit."

I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "Then quit complaining that Simon wouldn't fly you out."

According to Simon, I was being sent on a "business trip", which basically meant he was sending me to visit the boys for a week. Gotta love Simon.

"But he knows that I love them as much as you! Well, maybe aside from Styles, but still!" she argued. "He hates me."

"He only moderately dislikes you because you show up in pictures with Zayn, and they have no explanation to give other than you guys are good friends. I think if you two actually started dating, he'd get off your case."

Alex scoffed, which was quickly followed by a gagging sound. "I would never date Malik. He's just good in bed."

"Alright, you're done talking," I said loudly, chucking a shoe at her.

"What? You don't want to hear about me fucking Zayn? He's so sweet and gentle at first, but then, once you really get into it-"

I let out a loud shriek, chucking things at her, whatever I could get my hands on to. She laughed loudly, dodging out of the way of my attack.

"Fine, fine," she laughed as I stopped throwing random clothing.

"Just help me pack," I huffed, glaring at her.


I sat backstage, feeling the entire venue vibrating with the sound of the boys' voices. None of them knew I was coming, so I had to wait for their concert to finish up before I could see Harry.

My foot tapped along to the music as I quietly hummed. The energy in their voices was insane. Whenever they talked in between songs, you could just tell how happy they were and how much they loved performing.

"Alright, you guys have been a great audience, but this is our last song of the night!" I heard Liam's voice call out. It was followed by lots of booing from the audience.

"Now, now, don't be upset!" Harry said playfully, making my heart leap. He was so close. Of course I'd been talking to both him and all the boys almost every day on Skype, but it wasn't the same as seeing them in person. I've missed every single one of them.

The boys said a few more things to the audience before the familiar song "What Makes You Beautiful" started leaking out of the speakers.

I sat, nervously awaiting the boys. What if they weren't happy to see me? No, that was ridiculous. Of course they'd be happy. They told me how much they missed me every single day. Well, more or less. Some of them had odd ways of showing it.

The last time I talked to Louis, which was two days ago, he told me about how next time we were together, we needed to prank Niall by dying his hair. Louis wouldn't tell me what, but apparently the blondie had pulled some prank on him, and for whatever reason- none of the other boys would help him. Couldn't really blame them.

The song finished out, and I began playing with my necklace out of nervousness.

"Thank you so much for coming out! We hope to see you all again soon!" Niall called to the crowd.

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