Day 264

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Day 264

"You ready to head out? They'll be here soon," Alex said as she breezed past the living room, grabbing up her purse.

"Yeah, think so," I replied, jumping off the couch and straightening out my shirt.

The boys were playing a concert right here in London tonight, as a sort of between-tours thing, and also to get people excited about the new album being released soon. And Alex and I were going to the concert.

"They're here!" Alex yelled.

I slipped on some black Toms, knowing I needed something I could jump around and be comfortable in for the entirety of the concert.

We skipped down the stairs, and I honestly couldn't even express how excited I was for the concert. After the pregnancy scare, I'd sort of reevaluated some things and I realized that I needed to embrace these things. And that was exactly what I was doing. It was the height of summer, and I was living it.

The guys all shouted out various greetings as we climbed into the large, black van that was being used to transport us all to the venue. We both slid into the middle row of the van, the only other occupant of the large seat being Zayn. Louis was in the front seat, next to the driver, and the other three were stuffed into the back.

Louis was deeply engaged in a conversation with the driver, something about chickens, and Alex and Zayn immediately dove into a conversation, leaving me to turn around and face Liam, who was directly behind me.

"Hey Li," I grinned.

"Arden," he nodded in response. "Excited for the concert?"

I shrugged, "I guess."

Liam rolled his eyes, not buying my joke. "Paul was able to get you two pretty good seats."

"Oh, so we're sitting in the audience?" When I had visited the boys on their last tour, we always just stood backstage and watched from the sides or on a monitor. I'd never actually been in the crowd.

"Yeah. Don't worry, you're off the side a bit. Hopefully nobody will recognize you," Liam said as if it was the most unlikely thing to happen. But in actuality, it was pretty likely. These were die-hard Directioners. How would they not recognize Harry Style's girlfriend and Zayn's friend, who was often seen in public with the boys?

I turned around in my seat, staring out the window and letting the idle chatter of the car overwhelm me. It'd be okay, right? Paul wouldn't put Alex and I into a dangerous situation.

I felt a warm breath on my shoulder which was soon replaced by whispering in my ear. "Don't freak out, Ar. You'll be fine," Harry's deep voice rumbled.

I felt my entire body relax just with those few words. Harry was right. It'd be fine.


The boys were on stage for sound check and Alex and I were wandering around the venue like little lost puppies. The entire arena was practically deserted except for the workers, and they kept giving us funny looks. We probably looked like crazed fans who broke in early.

Luckily, nobody said anything.

"So did you know we're sitting in the actual audience?" I said randomly as we made our way around the random hallways, getting inevitably lost, but not really caring.

"Yeah, didn't you?" Alex replied nonchalantly. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that everyone thought this wasn't a big deal.

"No, I guess someone forgot to mention it," I huffed irritably. "I mean, Alex, what if we get spotted?"

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