Day 312

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Day 312

I paused, taking a deep breath, instantly missing the fresh, island breeze we'd just left behind.

"Come on, Ar. They'll be waiting for us," Harry said excitedly, practically taking off through the crowds of people in the Heathrow airport.

I pushed my scarf up a bit higher and adjusted my hat, hoping it would be enough to hide Harry and I. I didn't see any visible crowds of fans yet, but it was near luggage pick-up where we could run into trouble.

I hurried to catch up with Harry, rushing through the airport, keeping my head down. We both had hats and scarves on, and Harry was even wearing sunglasses- despite the fact we were inside. The only thing we could do now was hope.

We made it to baggage claim without any fan run-ins, but knowing the other boys and Alex would be here to meet us could only mean trouble.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I scooped it out, finding that Alex was calling me. I motioned to Harry, but he was preoccupied in his search for his bandmates.

"Hey Alex!" I greeted into the phone.

"Arden! Welcome back to London," she replied.

"Thank you. Where are you guys?" I asked, noticing that Harry had almost given up in his search for them, circling back towards me with a disappointed and confused look on his face.

"We're in the car. Paul wouldn't let us come in to meet you because of fans and you know," she sighed as if the whole fan situation was exhausting to her- which I guess it could be at times.

"Oh ok, well then we'll meet you out there in a few."

"See ya, babe!"

I hung up the phone and walked over to Harry who was slumped over against a pole. "Harry, they're waiting in the car because they didn't want to seal with fans."

He instantly jumped up and raced over towards the luggage belt, his eyes scanning for our bags.

It came soon enough, and within a few minutes we had all our bags and we rushing towards the door.

Harry's excitement to see his bandmates was really too cute.

When we were on vacation, we'd made a deal that neither of us were allowed to have any contact with the outside world- no internet, no cell phones, nothing. I thought it would affect me hardest because I was a total internet junkie, but I easily found solace in my books. Harry definitely took it hardest, but not because of the internet. There were multiple times when he'd beg me for "just one phone call to the lads to see how everyone was". I never let him though, of course. He could take a 12 day break from "the lads".

We easily spotted their large, tinted, black van as soon as we stepped outside the airport doors.

Harry rushed over to it, dropping his suitcases somewhat near the trunk before swinging the door open and literally launching into someone's lap.

I heard lots of loud laughter and cheering coming from the car as I helped Paul load our suitcases into the back.

Once we were done, I followed after Harry into the car. I found him sitting on Louis' lap, his arms wrapped around the older boy's neck, as if he was clinging to life.

"Oh come on Harry, it's not like 12 days with me was that bad," I teased, taking the empty seat next to Alex who promptly gave me a hug.

"I just missed my Loubear," Harry said, his voice muffled by the fact is was pressed against Louis' neck.

"And I missed my Hazzabear," Louis beamed back.

"You two," Zayn muttered.

I looked over at Alex, trying to catch her eye to ask about her and Zayn, but she was purposefully avoiding my gaze. I'm assuming she knew exactly what I wanted to know.


"Bye boys!" I called into the van as Alex and I unloaded at our building.

Alex helped me carry my bags up the stairs and as soon as we got in the apartment, we threw them in the hallway and collapsed onto the couch.

"This place has been so quiet without you," Alex remarked.

"No Zayn to keep you company?" I asked, hoping she'd give me that answer she'd been avoiding.

She shook her head. "Nope. No Zayn."

I sighed. I guess the drama wasn't over.

I felt my phone buzzing and I pulled it out to find that it was Elena calling. I sighed, knowing I was going to have to deal with her sooner or later.

I stood up and went into my room, answering the call as I sat down on my bed. The first thing I heard was yelling.

"Do you know how long your phone has been turned off!? Well I'll tell you! Twelve bloody days, Arden Resnell! You better have one hell of an excuse!" she screamed into my ear so loudly that I had to hold the phone a few inches away.

I thought back to the day we left. Had I really not told Elena we were leaving? The whole day was a blur of surprises and packing, I probably forgot. But she must have known because my work schedule was cleared. Unless she couldn't put two and two together.

"I was on vacation," I said simply.

"You were what?" she dead-panned.

"Harry surprised me with a trip to St. Thomas. I've been on vacation."

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" she shrieked.

"I thought you knew. My entire schedule was cleared," I shrugged simply.

I could practically hear her breathing heavily into the phone. "You still should notify me in advance before you take any personal time off."

"It was a surprise trip," I replied.

"Well I didn't ask to be surprised."

I rolled my eyes, getting to the end of my line with her. The only thing she was really good for was keeping me in check, but there were plenty of agents who could do that, weren't there? Ideas began to fill my brain, and I couldn't help but listen to them.

"You're fired," I stated bluntly. I didn't even know I was going to say it until I said it, but once I did, I was happy that I had.

"Excuse me?" she sputtered.

"You are fired," I said slowly.

She gasped in disbelief and I yawned, not wanting to deal with this anymore.

"You can't just fire me!" she cried. "I'm your agent! And a damn good one at that!"

I was bored, so I simply hung up the phone. I'd call the modeling agency in the morning to tell them I needed a new agent. But for now- I was free.

(A/N)- 2 chapters in a day! (Hopefully that helps make up for my laziness this past week? (: LOVE YOU GUYS)

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