Day 72

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Day 72

Today was the day of the movie premiere. Alex and I had gone dress shopping this weekend and both had simple, but elegant dresses.

Mine was a deep purple that went nicely with my dark colored hair. Alex's was slightly more daring and a beautiful dark blue.

"Are you ready? The boys are going to be here any minute!" Alex called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, one second," I called back, fastening my lucky necklace around my neck.

I stepped out of the bedroom and was greeted by Alex's gorgeous figure.

"You look incredible!" I cried, taking in how tall her heels made her look.

"You do too," she grinned back. "Love the hair."

I had styled my long hair into a simple half-up. Alex had left her short hair down, but it looked nice and easily balanced out the dress.

"Excited to be Zayn's date?" I asked, lightly nudging her.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"Are you two ever going to be like, official?" I asked more seriously.

She shrugged. "I don't think either of us care enough."

I nodded.

"But what about you two? You guys are officially coming out tonight! Everyone's going to know who you are. You'll be like famous!"

Now was my turn to roll my eyes. "Whatever. I doubt it'll be that big of a deal."

"You keep telling yourself that. I guarantee you'll have like a hundred thousand twitter followers by the time we get home. Actually, I probably will too."

My eyes widened at her statement. Was she right? I already had a significant amount because all the boys followed me, making a few of their more dedicated fans follow me too. However, it was nowhere near how high that number could soar tonight.

"They're here!" Alex exclaimed, as she taped away on her phone. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the flat and down the stairs.

As we got outside, my eyes landed on the long, black limousine waiting before us. Alex let out a small squeal as the driver held the door open for us.

We both climbed in, rather awkwardly. Once inside, I instantly found Harry and snagged the empty seat next to him.

"You look stunning," he whispered in my ear, his arm wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me into him.

"You look pretty handsome too," I winked back. He placed a light kiss against my temple as I greeted the rest of the boys.

As the car drew closer and closer to the venue, I began to get more and more nervous. Alex seemed so calm and poised talking to Louis and Zayn, but I was practically shaking with fear. What if they didn't like me?

Harry must have noticed me shaking because he quickly scooped my hand into his, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be fine," he whispered in my ear, quietly enough so only I could hear. "You look amazing and they'll love you."

I swallowed, taking in a deep breath. "Thank you," I whispered back, smiling up at him and sinking back into his embrace.

He gently ran his fingers through my hair, being sure to not mess it up.

And before I even knew it, we were being unloaded one at a time. Harry and I hung back to exit last because we were the biggest "surprise". I could see the flashing lights through the tinted windows and the open door, and my stomach instantly felt queasy.

Harry held my hand and gave me a reassuring smile as our turn to exit came. I followed him out, only to be greeted by shouts, yells, and thousands of flashing lights. I put on the best smile I could muster and allowed Harry to drag me onto the red carpet where things were at least slightly more controlled.

We followed the other boy's paths and found ourselves amongst many famous stars that left me gaping, but I made sure to look for professional for Harry's sake.

"Harry! Harry! Who's she?" hundreds of reporters screamed in our direction. After a few minutes of standing still and smiling for the cameras, our arms casually wrapped around each other, Harry led me over to one of the reporters.

"Good evening," Harry smiled easily to the reporter.

"Hello, Harry. We have Harry Styles here from One Direction. Tell us Harry, who's your friend?" the reported said to a camera that was positioned next to her.

"She's my girlfriend, Arden Resnell."

The reporter's eyes widened, and it seemed as if the screams heightened by ten with the news drop.

"And how did you two meet?" the reported asked, shoving the microphone in my face this time.

"Um," I said nervously. Harry squeezed my hand for reassurance and I sent him a grateful smile. "I work at SYCO and I met the guys there."

The reported smiled and I returned one. "That's amazing. You two are absolutely adorable together. And you look amazing, sweetheart."

"Oh, thank you," I said, my smile widening.

"No problem! So, Arden, is there anywhere the fans can find you? Do you have a Twitter or anything?"

I nodded, making sure to keep my expression calm. "Yeah, I do actually. It's @ArRes."

"Alright. Well, you Directioners heard it here first! Harry Styles is officially off the market!"

Harry and I thanked her before moving off so Harry could take pictures with the other four boys. Alex came over and joined me. We held a small conversation while flashes still flashed around us.

"I'm 98% sure Taylor Lautner walked right behind Zayn and I," Alex said to me.

"Seriously? Where?" I exclaimed, craning my neck to look for the famous werewolf.

"He's probably inside by now," Alex pouted.

I laughed and we continued to converse lightly until the boys were done.

"Ready, ma' lady?" Harry asked in my ear, making me turn to face him.

"Yes sir," I smiled, allowing him to lead me into the theater.

All in all, my first public appearance was much more of a success than anticipated. I think I could do this.

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