Day 95

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Day 95

"Ready yet, Ar?" Alex called from where I presumed she was impatiently waiting by the front door.

"Yeah," I said, rushing to slide my brown combat boots on over my skinny jeans and zip them up. I stumbled into the front entrance and Alex held the door open as we exited the apartment.

We exited the building and walked down the street towards the SYCO building. It was ridiculously cold outside, but I embraced it, letting the cold cleanse myself and wash through my lungs.

"So what happens if Harry shows up?" Alex asked cautiously. It had been a touchy subject ever since my minor breakdown yesterday.

"I yell at him," I replied easily. After my total run through of emotions, I'd pretty much ended on anger. Harry had no right to tell me who I can and can't dance with, and he definitely didn't have a right to get mad at me over it.

Alex rolled her eyes, but I think she'd learned to stay out of it. Especially now that she'd witnessed a breakdown first hand.


I nervously drummed my fingers on the desk, my eyes darting to the clock every few seconds.

After multiple checks of the calendar, I had learned that One Direction would be arriving sometime within the next half an hour. Was I ready to face Harry? How should I react? Should I ignore him? Should I be mad?

What if he ignored me?

The questions swam around in my head, slowly eating away my sanity.

I forced myself to focus on something else, getting lost in the files I was reading over. As the time slowly ticked away, my finger tapping seemed to intensify.

I heard the door creak open, and I forced myself to wait a few seconds before slowly raising my head to look. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I gently lifted my eyes.

They met Louis' blue ones. Louis gave me a small smile as the other boys filed in. They were all silent as they walked in and sat down in the chairs, which was extremely unusual for them. They were some of the loudest people I knew.

The last boy to saunter in was the one and only, Harry Styles. Our eyes met for a brief second before I could stop myself. Upon our eye contact, his mouth lifted into a smirk.

A smirk.

I cast my eyes back down, feeling all of my anger rushing back into my veins. That asshole. Who the hell did he think he was?

I focused on my work, refusing to look up at the boy band, who were all sitting in perfect silence.

Someone cleared their throat. "Hey Arden," Niall said weakly.

I looked up and gave him a tight smile. All five pairs of eyes were fixated on me, but I only met Niall's. I could see Harry still wearing his smirk from the corner of my eye.

Refocusing on my computer, I tried to get things done, but I was clearly unfocused.

I kept struggling until I heard soft shuffling, followed my muted footsteps.

I refused to look up as they advanced towards me. It wasn't until the heavy weight of an arm landed on my counter that I finally looked up into those green eyes.

"Hey Arden," he smirked. His face had cocky bastard written all over it.

Before I could respond, Liam spoke up. "Alright boys, it's time."

The other four got up and filed down the hall, Niall sending me one final glance, the others providing no acknowledgment. Harry remained still where he was.

"I said hey," Harry repeated.

I raised my eyebrows in annoyance. "And I heard you. Don't you have a meeting to get to?"

"Nope. Just the other boys."

"Oh," I responded shortly, feeling extremely pissed off. I pretended to be going over a file, trying my hardest to ignore those green orbs that seemed to be baring into my soul.

"Yup. So how's it going, babe?"

I whirled on him, letting my anger take control. "Don't fucking call me that," I growled.

"Mmm, what was that, love?" he hummed cockily.

I narrowed my eyes, getting more and more worked up. "Get the hell away from me, Harry."

"Oh yeah. I love it when you talk dirty," he purred.

I scoffed. "You disgust me."

"Oh the disgusting things I would do to you," he said, winking.

I abruptly stood up, quickly stepping out from behind the counter and in front of Harry so we were standing chest-to-chest. "I said. Leave. Me. Alone," I said through gritted teeth.

"Keep going," he whispered sexily. Due to our new positions, his mouth was uncomfortably close to mine and his breath hit my face in a warm, minty stream. "I love it when you get feisty." His voice was just a whisper, but deep and husky.

I glared at him, too pissed off to even respond. I angrily turned away, intent on getting back to work. But as I turned, Harry grabbed my arm, pulling me back so I collided into his chest.

"You're not getting away that easily," he purred. And just like that, his lips were on top of mine. I resisted him at first, but soon felt my hormones taking over as I molded my lips into his.

I poured my fury into our kiss, causing the make-out to get instantly steamy.

"I still hate you," I breathed against his lips in between kisses.

"If this is how you hate, you can hate me all you want," he replied.

I attacked his lips with a new passion.

A few minutes later, we drew back, our chests heaving. "I missed you," Harry said sincerely. The first serious thing he'd said all day. "A lot. I'm sorry for being an arse."

I gave him a small smile, all of my hatred melting away. "I missed you, too. And I'm sorry too. I didn't know about your history with Josh."

His face seemed to harden at the mention of Josh, but he soon recovered.

"So we're good?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, we are," I responded, smiling at my reinstated boyfriend.

He quickly leaned in, giving me a soft, sweet kiss. It didn't last long, but it had meaning.

"To make-up for our missed New Year's Eve kiss," he beamed.

My face broke out into a grin. "Happy New Year, Harry."

"Harry New Year, Arden."

(A/N): Hello! So as some of you may know (if you read other stories of mine), I'm going to start asking questions at the end of my chapters! If you'd like to answer them, go ahead and leave a comment! If your answers are super awesome, you could get a dedication! Also, don't be afraid to leave constructive criticism or anything like that! Every opinion helps :)

1. Favorite scene or day so far in the story?

2. Favorite line from this chapter?

3. What do you think of Alex and Zayn's undefined relationship? Do you think it'll go anywhere?

4. Are you glad Arden and Harry made up? How did you feel about the way they made up?

5. Any predictions? Or anything you want to happen?

Thank you guys! Can't wait to see your answers :D

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