Day 163

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Day 163

I threw open the door, completely exhausted from my day at work.

"Why are you so late?" Alex called from the kitchen.

I followed her voice and ended up on the stool, watching as she threw together some half-hearted chicken and mashed potatoes. Neither of us could cook, but at least we tried.

"Mix up in some schedules, it was grueling," I complained, slumping onto the counter, head in hands.

"Aww, poor baby," she mock-pouted.

I glared at her, which she easily ignored.

I stood up, huffing in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Ar," Alex sighed quickly, once she saw I was genuinely upset. "I just really miss Zayn," she admitted quietly.

I sunk back into the seat, my anger melting away instantly. "You do?"

She nodded, refusing to meet my eyes. "I don't know, I miss all of them, but I just really miss Zayn. And obviously you know how they've been super busy recently, so he hasn't been able to talk as much."

I nodded, completely understanding what she meant. We'd both been very tense recently, due to the fact the boys seemed to get busier and busier, which meant conversations with them were rare.

"And you still don't like Zayn?" I asked evenly, trying to keep the suspicion out of my voice.

"Ew no," she exclaimed quickly. "Do you really want to have this conversation again?"

I shook my head, causing her to smirk.

"Thought so," she sang.


"Yeah, I understand," I sighed.

"I'm really, really sorry," Harry rushed for what felt like the thousandth time in the last few days.

"No, really Harry. Go, they're waiting for you. I love you."

"I love you too, Ar," he said softly.

"Now go blow their socks off, babe," I tried being positive.

"Of course," he replied cheekily as I hit the end call button.

I slumped back on to my bed, deciding to listen to some music.

I hit shuffle on my iPhone, and skipped through a few songs that I wasn't in the mood for.

Suddenly a song came on, causing me to laugh at the sheer irony of it.

I quickly turned up the volume and grabbed my hairbrush, spinning around the room like an idiot as I sung out the lyrics.

The way his hair falls in his eyes

Makes me wonder if he can

See through my disguise

That I'm under his spell

By now, Alex was pounding on the wall and yelling at me to shut up, but I ignored her, jumping up on the bed and singing along with all my heart.

Everything is falling and I don't know where to land

Everyone knows who he is but they don't know who I am

I mean, they sort of did, but that wasn't the point.

Harry, Harry

Why can't you see

What you're doing to me

Alex had given up on silencing me, so I continued to perform my own little concert in peace.

I've seen you conquer certain death

Even when you're just standing there, you take away my breath

And maybe someday you'll hear my song

And understand that all along

There's something more that I'm trying to say

When I say

Harry, Harry

Why can't you see

What you're doing to me

What you're doing to me

I finished, collapsing down on to the bed, short of breath. Even though things were hard right now, Harry and I would be okay. I was sure of it.

(A/N): I know it's short, but I really wanted to get this chapter posted today because the AVPSY script was just released today and if you don't know what Starkid is, that made absolutely no sense to you, but oh well! Also, dedication goes to kinzaisabaws because it was her idea to put the song Harry in here, and cause she's an awesome person and always comments! Thank you so much<3 Also, the song will be over on the side. If you haven't seen AVPM, and you're a Harry Potter fan, it's on YouTube and I highly, highly recommend it. I mean, I'm obsessed. Alright, that's all for now! Thanks for reading!

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