Day 241

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Day 241

I sat sprawled out on the couch alone, missing Alex. I was getting used to the fact that she had regular work hours and I didn't, but I still wasn't totally used to it.

I flipped the channel, getting bored of the home renovation show that was on. The food network wasn't much better.

I groaned, forcing myself up and trudged into the kitchen.

Once there, I aimlessly searched through the cupboards and fridge, finding nothing that would qualify as a healthy snack that even relatively interested me. I pouted as I got myself a glass of water.

Life as a model could be pretty boring when everyone else was busy.

As I sat at the counter sipping on my water, I suddenly heard a loud, rattling buzz coming from the living room. I jumped up, throwing my cup on the counter and essentially sprinted back to the living room. Once there, I launched myself over the couch, so that I landed with my stomach where my butt should be and my feet where my head belonged. But that was the least of my worries as I grappled for my still ringing phone.

"Hello?" I answered, out of breath from my running leap.

"Arden? What are you doing?" a familiar, deep voice responded.

I sunk onto the couch, righting myself and smiling at Harry's soothing voice. "Sorry, I just had to run to get my phone. Other room, and all."

Harry let out a low chuckle, but didn't say anything else about it. "Well I was actually calling to ask what you were doing?"

"Literally nothing. Why?" I answered evenly, not caring how boring it made me sound. If he was going to rescue me from this endless boredom- I might as well be honest with him.

"Well we finished recording early today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"Yes," I replied quickly, again uncaring of how eager I sounded. A girl can be desperate from time to time, right?

Harry laughed, "I take it you're pretty bored without Alex?"

I made a groaning sound. "Harry, you don't even know. Daytime television sucks."

"You could go online? Twitter?"

"I'm still scared of the fans," I confessed quietly. Harry and I had only announced that we were back together the other day, and I was still terrified to see what people's reactions were. Especially now that I was a model and more in the public eye. I mean, my image sort of actually mattered now. Before, I was just some girl. But now I had a reputation as a model to uphold.

"Well, I think you should," Harry said in a sing-song kind of voice.

Did that mean that he'd been on Twitter and seen the fans reactions- and they were good?

For whatever reason, I highly doubted that considering all the hate I received when we initially broke up. I could hardly believe that the fans were suddenly supportive of me now. What would have changed?

"Hey, how about this- you come over and we do a TwitCam together tonight?" Harry suggested after I realized I'd been thinking for an awkwardly long amount of time.

It wasn't really a bad idea. Let the fans see our relationship in action- see that we really do love each other. "Yeah, I think that's a really good idea," I said softly.

"Alright! So, I'll see you in a bit?"

"Yeah, I'll be right over."

"Oh, and Arden?"

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