Day 9

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Day 9

You know how most people hate Mondays?

Well I hated Tuesdays.

I was okay with Mondays. Because you were still coming off of the weekend, so the memories were fresh and everything was good. But Tuesdays? By then, the weekend had worn off, and you're stuck with three more days.

But don't get me wrong, this job was great. But it still didn't mean I didn't enjoy my weekends.

I sighed, glancing at the clock. Three more hours of work. Then I could go home and watch The Office reruns and pig out on fast food. I lived a very fulfilling life.

Other then the five guys of One Direction, I hadn't really talked to anyone else here at work. There was one girl who seemed about my age, but I'd never really gotten the chance to talk to her much. All I really knew was her name was Alexandria, but she went by Alex. And she was hot. Like supermodel level hot.

But, I had talked to the One Direction guys a bit. And by that, I mean we said hello whenever they walked by. No conversations even anywhere near the one that happened a week ago, when I learned all of their names.

The front door opened and I glanced up to see Harry Styles walking in. By himself. I'd never seen the five boys separate, so this was weird. Really weird.

"Missing something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he sat down in a chair near my desk.

"Like what?"

"Four boys, about this tall, about your age," I said, motioning with my hand.

He cracked a smile, rolling his eyes. "Nah, I'm recording some stuff just by myself."

I nodded.

"So where are you from? You have an American accent," he pointed out.

"What? I do?" I cried, in fake shock.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm from Ohio," I confessed. "My uncle got me this job and I moved here."

"By yourself?"

"Yup. I'm a big girl now."

"London can be a pretty dangerous place."

I rolled my eyes. He sounded like my dad. "I think I can handle myself. But thanks for the concern, Styles."

"I'm serious!" he defended. "Here, I'll give you my number. That way you can call me if you get into any trouble."

I raised my eyebrows at his lame attempt of getting my number. "Is that the best you got, Styles?"

A smirk broke out on his face. "You'll just have to stick around and see, eh?"

I smiled, handing him my phone. He tapped away, for a ridiculously long time. Like, I'm talking minutes.

"Having trouble?" I half-joked.

"Sorry," he said, handing me back the phone. "I put in all the boys too. And sent them all your number," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes, but inside I was pretty excited that not only did he want me number, but he also gave it to the other boys.

"It's 2:30," I observed glancing at the clock.

He nodded, standing. "I'll see you around?"

"Well, you sorta have to. I work here."

He grinned. "Bye Arden."

"Bye Harry."

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