Day 105

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Day 105

My morning routine was rudely interrupted by the sound of a slamming front door.

I groaned at the loud sound, dropping my toothbrush into the sink. I hadn't had that much to drink at Zayn's party, but I still had a mild headache.

I shuffled out of bathroom and into the living room where Alex was standing, looking quite disheveled.

She smiled at me meekly as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Where have you been?" I quizzed, already knowing the answer. I knew for a fact she'd gone home with Zayn, ignoring the rest of our protests.

"Zayn's," she replied, trying to be casual as she waltzed into the kitchen. She quickly made herself a cup of coffee as I watched from the doorway. I couldn't help but notice how she flinched whenever she accidentally made a loud noise. She looked like the epitome of hung-over.

I waited for her to elaborate, but when she didn't, I figured I was going to have to dig for answers.

"So are you two...?" I trailed off, raising my eyebrows.

She quickly spun around, eyes wide. "No, no, no! Of course not!" she said a little too fast.

I walked over to the counter, sitting down and facing her as she tried to avoid eye contact. "Then what are you two?"

She shrugged. "Friends with benefits?" she squeaked quietly.

"You're joking, right?"

She shook her head.

"But don't you like him?"

She shook her head again. "No. We're just friends. But he's a great fuck," she giggled, winking at me, having suddenly regained her ever-present confidence.

I made a disgusted, gagging sound. "Not in the kitchen, you perv," I whined, chucking the nearest thing to me, which just happened to be a granola bar wrapper. It pitifully fell to the floor, not even traveling half the way to her.

She smirked at me, sipping her freshly brewed coffee.

"You do realize we need to leave for work in," I glanced at the clock on the wall, "less than 5 minutes?"

Her smirk fell away and she slammed the coffee down, sprinting out of the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple, taking a bite out of it.

"Ready!" Alex yelled, sliding into the kitchen a few minutes later. She was fully dressed and didn't even look the slightest bit hungover. She even smelled nice.

"Impressive," I muttered as we made our way out the front door.


"Hello?" I smiled, answering my phone.

"Hey gorgeous," Harry's voice rang through the receiver. I rolled over on my bed so I was on my stomach, phone pressed to my ear.

"Hey you. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I miss you."

"Harry, I saw you at work today," I said, rolling my eyes, but still giggling.

"I know, but I still miss you."

"You're ridiculous. So, have you talked to Zayn?" I asked, changing the subject.

"About Alex? Not really. He was pretty casual about it. Didn't say much."

"Same with Alex." I looked around my room. It wasn't much, but I had easily crafted it into my own space. I didn't have too many decorations, but I had spent one Saturday a few weeks ago writing lyrics on blank CDs and hanging them on the wall. Before I hung them, I uploaded whatever song the lyrics were from onto the CDs. Would I ever actually listen to it? No, but it was the thought, right?

I had various other pieces of art, but the CDs were easily my favorite. I had picked my favorite lyrics from my favorite songs, and they all meant so much to me. I even had a few One Direction lyrics interspersed throughout.

"How do you feel about whatever's going on?" Harry asked.

"Indifferent," I replied, reading some of the lyrics. "At least for now. I don't want her getting hurt, but Alex is a big girl. I think she can handle herself. I don't love the idea, but if it makes them happy."

"Yeah, that was kind of our final verdict too. We can't control them, so it doesn't matter much."

"Yup. But you better not let Zayn hurt her."

"Zayn? He couldn't hurt a fly," Harry laughed loudly. I heard some muffled yelling, something colliding with someone else and then Harry let out a low groan before yelling, "Alright, sorry!"

"Harry?" I asked after I heard a door slam and the noise quiet down.

"Sorry, I forgot Zayn was over," he mumbled. "But I'm in the safety of my own room, now."

I giggled at their antics. "Proud of you."

"Hey, Arden, can I ask you something?" Harry said, sounding nervous.

"Yeah, what?"

"Um, so we've been dating for what- two months? And my mum and sister are just dying to meet you."

I nodded as he continued, not really liking where this conversation seemed to be headed.

"Well, they were wondering if we both wanted to go visit this weekend?"

I was a lot more shocked than I should have been. I should have figured I'd have to meet Harry's family sometime or other, I just hadn't wanted it to be this soon. Not because I didn't want to meet his family, but because then he'd want to meet mine.

"Yeah, sure," I said, knowing I couldn't say no.

"Really?" Harry said, his voice filled with relief.

"Mhm. Can't wait," I lied, feeling my stomach twist into knots.

"That's great! Mum will be so excited, and you'll love Gemma! She's been wanting to meet you ever since I started talking.." he continued rambling on, but I tuned out.

I was going to have to meet Harry's family. But what would I tell him about mine? What could I possibly tell him? My eyes scanned my CDs before resting on one in particular. "It breaks a man to see what he misses". Well that wasn't very helpful, was it? More like the opposite.

I continued to search, my stomach sinking. "Like your life is a map with no compass to guide".

I thought about the lyrics. Harry was my compass. He was the reason I smiled, the reason I laughed, the reason I was excited to get out of bed every morning. And before I met Harry, I honestly wasn't sure where my life was headed. But I feel like Harry gave me a new purpose. He made me feel like I could actually do something and go somewhere.

And if Harry wanted me to meet his family, then I was going to meet his family. I would figure out what to do about mine later on.

I tuned back in to Harry's ramblings right as he finished up. "So we'll have to leave early on Saturday to make it there in time for dinner. So no crazy partying on Friday night, got it?"

"I'll try my hardest," I smirked.

"Good girl."

"I'm not a dog, Styles."

"Whatever you say, Resnell." I heard some distant banging and some more muffled yelling. "Zayn and Louis need me. I'll talk to you later, ya?"

"Of course. Bye Harry."

"Bye babe."

I flipped over onto my back, staring at my plain white ceiling. I was going to meet Harry's family. I could do this.


(A/N): Question time!

1. Do you know what two songs those lyrics are from? If you do, I'll be super impressed :)

2. What other lyrics do you personally really like, or think should be up on her wall? Don't have to be 1D related- any lyrics are fine.

3. What do you think will happen when Arden meets Harry's family? Do you think they'll like her?

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