Day 154

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Day 154

"Louis, you have to give me my socks," I huffed, stomping around the massive hotel suite we were all sharing.

"No!" he cried, sprinting in circles. "If I don't give them back you can't leave!"

"Louis," Liam warned.

"No! Liam, who's side are you on?" Louis screamed as he raced ahead of me.

"Arden needs her socks, Lou. Plus, she can always get new socks," Zayn said, not even looking up from whatever magazine he was reading.

"Niall! Go get her shoes!" Louis called to Niall.

I quickly intercepted the Blondie as he tried to dash into the room Harry and I shared. "Niall," I warned. He looked at me sheepishly before slowly walking away, head hung.

"Traitor," Louis muttered angrily.

"I tried!" Niall defended.

"Just give her the socks, mate," Zayn called from the couch.

I stood a few feet away from him, hand on my hip, the other extended towards him, waiting for my socks.

"Louis, I don't want to leave either, but we both know I have to," I told him sternly.

He pouted, but I stayed firm until he slowly handed me my pair of socks back.

I thanked him and took them back into the room Harry and I had shared. "Here," I mumbled, tossing the socks into the suitcase that Harry was organizing. "Remind me not to let Louis back in this room until that suitcase is zipped closed."

Harry chuckled, folding a few shirts and tucking them away.

I moved off to our bathroom and collected my various essentials. The week with the boys had gone quickly, but it had been so much fun, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I tossed the bathroom bag into the suitcase and Harry placed it where it fit. "Is that everything?" he asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah, as long as Louis didn't steal my underwear."

"I'm the only one allowed to steal your underwear," Harry said cheekily.

I rolled my eyes, pushing on his shoulder lightly as he zipped up the suitcase.

"How long until we have to leave?" Harry asked.

"Who's 'we'? You, sir, have sound check. I will be leaving in," I checked my watch, "about a half an hour."

"But I wanted to come to the airport," Harry pouted.

"Not this time, baby," I said back, tapping on his nose as he stood in front of me.

"But I'm not going to see you for the rest of tour," he continued to whine.

"We'll Skype every day, just like before. And plus, there's only like three weeks left of tour. I think you'll be okay, superstar," I teased, but internally, my heart was shattering from my words. I was going to miss Harry so much. It was like getting a small taste of that thing you missed so much, only to have it completely ripped away from you again.

Harry hand gently rose up to the side of my face, resting on my cheek, as his thumb made gentle strokes.

I stared into his green eyes as they stared back at me. I could see all the pain and sadness he was holding back.

"Your eyes are black," he whispered.

"Hm?" I hummed in confusion.

"Your eyes are black. They only turn black sometimes, and they're black right now," he said softly. I had naturally gray eyes, but I'd never seen them turn black. But Harry had mentioned it before, how my eyes turned black whenever I was feeling a strong emotion. "What emotion are you feeling?" he whispered, his hand still on my face.

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