Day 227

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Day 227

"Good luck, sweet heart. You'll do great," Alex said softly, acting oddly unlike herself.

"You really want me to get back together with him, don't you?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I just miss how things used to be, you know? When we could all hang out. And when you used to be happy," she said pointedly. Accusingly. She was calling me out on being unhappy without him. Which I was. But that wasn't the point.

"Well I'm going. I'll be back soon," I said, sliding on my sandals and adjusting my hair over my shoulder.

"Maybe not too soon," she said with a cheeky wink. There was the Alex I knew.

I rolled my eyes and was quickly out the door without replying.

It was beautiful outside, a rare sunny day, so I decided to walk the few blocks to the boy's apartment complex.

I walked with determination, forcing myself through every step. I knew this was going to be difficult, but it was what had to happen. No matter how much I hated to admit it, I missed Harry freaking Styles.

I kept my head down, praying nobody would recognize me. I was in a fragile, determined state of mind, and I couldn't have anything or anyone throwing me off.

As if by some gift from the heavens, I made it to the apartment complex without any issues and in quick time. I dashed in the front door and scampered up the stairs, my heart pounding. I'd been going over what I was going to say for days now, but I suddenly felt so unprepared.

Here I was, seconds from seeing Harry, and I could still barely even think his name in my head without feeling nauseous.

Even though every instinct told me to turn around, I forced myself forward. I forced myself up those final couple stairs and down the hall until I was standing in front of that familiar door.

I rapped on the wood three sharp times before I had a chance to stop myself. And then I waited.

It took him maybe a minute to answer the door, but when he did, nothing could have prepared me for what happened.

There he was. Harry Styles. Standing directly in front of me, his dull green eyes awash with confusion.

"Ar- Arden?" he stammered as his eyes raked my face, confirming that he was really seeing me at his door.

I nodded, casting my eyes to the ground. It was all too much. His voice. His eyes. Him. Baby steps. I needed to take it all in as baby steps. "We need to talk, Harry."

I heard him shuffle and then the gentle creaking of the door opening wider.

We both walked into the apartment and awkwardly sat down on the couch. I could feel his eyes on my face, but I was still refusing to look at him.

"What did you want to talk about?" Harry asked, clearing his throat.

"Us," I squeaked, sounding a lot stupider than I intended.

"Look, Arden, I- I'm so sorry for what happened," he stuttered over his words, visibly distraught. "I know nothing I say can make it better, and I realize that, but just- I love you so much and," he was getting worked up to the point that there were actual tears in his eyes and he looked so frustrated. I hadn't even noticed at what point my eyes had left the ground and had met his face. "Just please give me another chance. Just give me a chance to make it up to you. I'm so, so sorry," he finished, his voice cracking and one single tear rolling down his cheek.

I reached out gently, resting my hand on the side of his cheek and quickly using my thumb to swipe away that one tear. He was being genuine. And that was all I had wanted.

I left my hand there and I stared into his swimming eyes. He was searching mine for an answer. I gave him a deep, long nod. Because I wanted him to know that I too was genuine with my feelings toward him.

I'm not sure who initiated it, but before I knew what had happened, our mouths were connected. It was the kiss I had been waiting years for. The one that set off every firework and every butterfly that had ever existed or meant to exist in my stomach and in my brain. It was like finding the missing piece to my puzzle.

"I love you, Arden. I've always loved you," Harry whispered to me.

I nodded, the moment feeling almost too good to be true. "I know, Harry. I know because I've always love you too."

About ten minutes later, Harry and I were in his kitchen quietly sipping mugs of tea and chatting quietly. We had a lot to catch up on.

"So we're back together, right?" Harry asked as he settled into the stool next to the one I was perched on.

I nodded. "I mean, if that's what you want."

He nodded in response, grinning. "Don't make this awkward."

I rolled my eyes, but laughed regardless.

"So I saw you on the news a couple times," he added casually, effectively changing the conversation.

"Oh?" I asked.

"You're a model?"

I nodded in response and Harry looked at me in confusion. He knew that I had wanted to be a model, but I'm assuming he was confused as to why I would utilize a time such as a break up to jump-start my career.

"And that other guy?" he asked in a small voice, effectively ending any conversation on my new career choice.

I had known this was going to come up, but I could still hear my heart pounding. I didn't want to screw this up. I couldn't lose Harry.

"He was just some guy I met at a coffee shop. We literally went on one date. I talked to him yesterday and we're going to be friends, but just friends," I tried to explain as evenly as possible as I tried to gauge Harry's reaction.

"What's his name?" he asked gruffly.

"Marcus. He's studying law in UNI."

Harry took a deep breath but nodded. I mean, he had no right to be mad at me for seeing Marcus, and I think he realized that.

"Are we- are we okay, Arden?" he asked, his hand reaching out and taking mine softly.

I looked up into those beautiful green eyes and I couldn't believe that Harry was mine again.

"I want us to be," I answered with a huge lump in my throat.

He nodded, because we both knew it was the best answer. We would have to work to rebuild our relationship, but I trusted that we could get there. I honestly did.

(A/N): Opinions!?

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