Day 334

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Day 334

I slid into the seat that Harry had pulled out for me, like the true gentleman he was.

Harry had randomly texted me, asking me out to lunch. I had obviously agreed, and now here we were- sitting across from each other at a casual, fish and chips kind of restaurant.

"So what's the occasion?" I asked as Harry looked over his menu.

He shrugged. "Just wanted to see my girlfriend."

I smiled. "So your album comes out on Monday, right?"

Harry nodded. "I guess that's another reason I asked you to lunch. Will you be my date to the release party?"

"Of course," I grinned. I was as excited as anyone for their new album, and I think Harry knew that.

We placed our orders with the waiter and fell into normal conversation. It was times like these when I could just kick back and revel in the fact that I was dating Harry Styles, the most perfect boyfriend on the planet.


"Bye Harry," I said, placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"See you soon," he called as I climbed out of the car and walked into the apartment building.

I climbed the steps and was soon unlocking the door to Alex and I's apartment.

I pushed it open and walked into the kitchen only to stop in my tracks because Zayn was standing there, casually pouring himself a glass of water.

"Oh hey, Arden," he greeted lightly.

I gave him a little wave, still confused on what he was doing here. Weren't him and Alex on bad terms at this point?

I quietly slipped into the living room to find Alex sitting on the couch, watching television.

"Alex," I whispered. "What's Zayn doing here?"

"I invited him," she replied in a casual tone, as if this wasn't weird or anything.

I stared at her until Zayn appeared in the room, standing in the doorway. I looked between the two of them and could sense the obvious tension. Things definitely weren't resolved.

"Ok, Zayn, sit," I commanded, pointing the couch.

Zayn obeyed and I sat on top of the coffee table so that I was facing both of them.

"Arden, what are you doing?" Alex dead-panned.

I shushed her, studying both of them. I was beyond sick of all of their bullshit and I just wanted them to talk. "You two clearly have a lot of unresolved issues. So I want you to talk about it."

"Arden," Alex said warningly. I could tell she didn't want to have this conversation, but someone had to make them.

"No, Alex. Just talk about it. What are you guys? Are you friends, are you enemies, are you lovers, are you dating? Just fucking pick one!" I exclaimed.

"I don't think we really want to label anything, Ar," Zayn said, spewing the same bullshit that they'd been spewing for almost a year.

I could practically see Alex's heart drop with his words.

"That's a load of bullshit and I think we all know it," I said, completely fed up with the two of them.

Zayn gave me a sour expression, clearly not wanting to be told what was obviously true.

"I'm not doing this anymore," Alex said abruptly, standing up and taking off towards the front door before either of us could stop her.

I looked at Zayn with a helpless expression before standing up and sprinting after my best friend.

"Alex!" I yelled down the hallway. She paused at the stairwell, simply crumbling down and sitting on the floor in a heap.

I quickly caught up, sitting next to her.

"I just don't get it. He won't talk to me, he won't talk to you. It's like we're going nowhere," she said in an exhausted voice. I could tell she was about to cry, but was forcing herself not to. She was too strong-willed for her own good sometimes.

"He's stubborn, babe. You just have to wear him down. You're incredible and he'll see that soon enough," I tried comforting her.

She simply shrugged.

"Come on, let's go back, okay?" I said, helping her to her feet and guiding her back towards the apartment.

We stepped inside to find Zayn pacing back and forth in the living room. He looked up when he heard the door open, his eyes landing on a distraught looking Alex.

"Alex, I know it's been weird and it's been rough, but maybe we could start over?" he said, almost just sounding like he wanted to make her happy. If anything, I think he was probably as frustrated with this whole thing as the rest of us were. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Alex seemed to study Zayn for a minute, almost as if skeptical. I didn't blame her- did she really want to "start over" when it could just lead to more dead ends and heart break? But sure enough, after a minute she was slowly nodding her head in agreement.

"Well I'll leave you two to your date arrangements," I said as I excused myself to my bedroom.

Alex grabbed my wrist for a second, stopping me. "Thank you," she mouthed.

I smiled at her before continuing on my way.

(A/N)- This is only the beginning of the Zayn/Alex drama! Hope you guys are ready and excited!

So my question to you guys- how do you think it will end? Do you think they'll end up together, or decide to just be friends, or do you think they'll hate each other, or something else?

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