Day 104

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Day 104

"Happy birthday, Zayn!" we all chorused as the surprised boy walked into the large, open room. The boys had planned Zayn a surprise birthday party for Zayn and rented out a small, nearby club. Alex and I had spent the majority of the day decorating, pitching in to help the boys. It'd been insane amounts of fun, and the place looked great.

"Wow, thank you guys," Zayn beamed looking around the crowded room, his eyes wide with surprise. His eyes quickly landed on his entire family and he quickly rushed over to engulf them all in hugs.

Everyone else gradually dispersed after wishing Zayn a happy birthday. I got my chance alongside Alex.

"Happy birthday, Zayn," we both grinned, capturing his attention.

"Thanks guys. This is insane."

"Yeah, the boys really went all out," I responded. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex indiscreetly running her eyes up and down Zayn's body. Zayn seemed to be returning the gesture to her.

"Yeah, they did," he mumbled, distracted by Alex and her short dress. I gave them both a smile before excusing myself from the increasingly awkward situation.

I maneuvered my way through the crowd, searching for Harry.

"Let's get this party started!" the DJ boomed just as fast music began to pound through the club. I smiled, loving the atmosphere. It was like being at a club, but without the sleazy guys and less crowded. I loved it.

I craned my neck for Harry, or really any of the boys, but had trouble spotting them.

"Hey beautiful," a hot breath breathed into my ear. I immediately jumped in fright, spinning around to glare at Harry.

"You scared me," I whined.

He chuckled lowly in response. "You love it, really."

Love. That word had been haunting me for quite some time. Harry and I had never said it to each other before. But did I love Harry? I'd never been in love before. Was this it?

I forced myself to push those thoughts aside. At least for the time being.

"Want to grab a drink?" I suggested, trying to focus on anything else. We'd only been dating for about two months. We weren't in love. I just loved being around him, he always made me laugh, and he always put a smile on my face. But I didn't love him.

"Yeah, sure." He took my hand in his much larger one and we walked side by side towards the bar. We both ordered drinks, and lightly sipped them while sitting at the bar.

"Pretty nice party, eh?" Harry commented, sipping his beer.

I nodded. "Yeah, you guys did a good job planning it. This club is incredible."

"That it is. It even has those creepy makeout rooms," Harry said, gesturing to where the wall was interrupted by large red curtains, covering the small, discreet rooms designed for couples.

I tisked, shaking my head. "Good choice, Styles."

"Just looking out for you," he replied cheekily, sending me a wink.

"Is that so?"

He grinned. I gave him a light shove to the chest before walking off to where I had spotted Louis, Niall, and Liam.

I could feel Harry trailing behind me, but I didn't bother to turn or let him catch up. Instead, I hustled over to the other boys. They were sitting in a booth together, all sipping on some drinks and talking animatedly.

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