Day 338

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Day 338

"Today's the big day!" Alex squealed as she walked into the kitchen.

I nodded, taking a bite out of my bagel. "Are you going?"

She shook her head. "I have real work, unlike you hooligans."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything as she grabbed an apple and a glass of water.

"What do you think I should wear?" I asked as she leaned against the counter.

She tapped her finger against her chin before her eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh! That new black tank top you got when we went shopping on Saturday! It's so cute, just wear it with some jeans or something."

I nodded. The premiere for the boys' new album was casual, I just needed to look presentable for the most part.

"Well I'm off. Have fun!" Alex called as she exited the kitchen.

I quickly scurried back to my room and got dressed. The album actually came out tomorrow, but the boys were having a premiere listening party sort of thing.

I felt my phone buzz just as I was slipping on my shoes, finding a text from Harry that said they were outside.

I hurried down the stairs and outside, easily spotting the huge, black limo that dominated the small parking lot.

"Hey guys!" I greeted as I climbed in. "And hello Jessie," I smiled towards the red head who was sitting with one of Liam's arms protectively around her.

Everyone greeted me back as I settled into the seat next to Harry.


We arrived at the red carpet and climbed out in our designated groupings- Louis, Niall, and Zayn together, then Liam and Jessie, and finally Harry and I.

I gripped Harry's hand as we smiled at the cameras. It was easier than any other red carpet I'd done with Harry because for once, I was able to wear flat shoes instead of deadly high heels.

"Harry! Harry!" one of the reporters yelled, capturing both of our attentions. We turned towards the woman and walked over to where she was standing with her mini camera crew. "Hello Harry and Arden! How are you two this afternoon?"

"We're good," Harry smiled.

"Glad to hear. So the album release is very exciting, hm?"

We both nodded.

"What can people expect to hear on this new album? Obviously we've all heard a couple of the songs, such as Live While We're Young. Is the rest of the album similar?"

I stood silently to the side as Harry answered, "The album's very versatile. There are some very deep and meaningful songs, and then there are the more exciting ones, such as Live While We're Young. We wanted to explore some different options, and I think it played out well."

"And what do you think, Arden? Have you heard the new album? Is it any good?"

"I've heard bits and pieces, but not the entire thing. But what I have heard has been absolutely incredible," I answered easily.

"Well we're all looking forward to being able to buy it. One Direction's second ever studio album, Take Me Home hits stores tomorrow in the UK!" the interviewer finished into the camera.

She quickly thanked us and we were off, back into the middle of the carpet.

"You were brilliant," Harry said into my ear as we made our way up to where the other boys had gathered.

I grinned at him before releasing his hand so that he could take pictures with his bandmates. I quickly found Jessie standing to the side and joined her.

"Talk to any interviewers?" I asked her in a quiet voice, not wanting to attract the attention of anybody. This was the boys' time to shine, and they deserved it.

Jessie nodded. "Just one, but she was griller," she laughed.

"What'd she ask?" I pushed. Jessie was usually carefree and casual about everything- I honestly didn't think anything could phase her.

"Just like personal stuff. Like how we met, how long we've been dating, you know, it was usual celebrity gossip. It just felt very pry-y when it's about my life, you know?"

I nodded, "Trust me, I know."

She laughed, "Come on, let's go inside."

We motioned to the boys that we were leaving and they nodded in return. We then quickly made our way into the large banquet hall.

From what I understood, they were serving lunch while playing the new album and a few people were going to give speeches. It sounded somewhat boring, but at least I got to hear the entire new album and eat food.

(A/N)- I'm sorry this was so short. I just decided it was too boring to continue, so. Filler chapters are the worst, and I apologize. (Please don't hate me.)

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