Day 374

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Day 374

"Am I the only one who's slightly worried about this 'surprise' Louis kept talking about?" Jessie said as she swiped a new coat of lipstick onto her lips, leaning so close to the bathroom mirror that her nose was almost touching it.

"Definitely not the only one," Alex chimed in from where she was debating shoe choice in the bedroom.

"I mean, how bad can it be, right? It's not like he can have planned something crazy backstage at one of their concerts. The venue wouldn't allow it," I reasoned.

Jessie shrugged. "But you know Louis- he doesn't exactly follow rules."

I glanced at her with a worried look. "I guess we'll find out soon enough, right?"

Jessie nodded in agreement as she finished up her make-up and snapped her case closed. "Does it look okay? No weird streaks that I'm missing or something?"

I have her a once-over before shaking my head. "You look fab-u-lous," I said, exaggerating the word.

Jessie rolled her eyes, "Come on you idiot, you still need to find a matching purse!"


We filed out of the car and made our way over to the back door entrance, keeping our heads low just to be safe.

We checked in with security and made it inside easily, walking through the long, barren hallways that were notorious in backstage of venues.

"Are we watching from backstage or the audience?" Alex asked.

"They gave us the option to watch from the audience, but we'd have to sit separately so we wouldn't draw quite as much attention. So we chose to just chill backstage," I answered.

Alex nodded.

Louis had invited us to their concert tonight because he had some big surprise for all of us. It's not that I didn't enjoy going to One Direction's concerts, it's just that anything Louis called a surprise was going to make me somewhat scared for my life.

"There you guys are!" Louis said, appearing from the other end of the hall and bounding towards us.

"Hey Louis," we all greeted cautiously.

"Are you guys excited?" he asked, his face practically glowing with his enthusiasm. Whatever this surprise was- it had Louis really worked up.

"Super," Alex dead-panned sarcastically.

Louis ignored her and instead led us down the hall.

"The boys are off finishing getting ready, so I guess I'll just surprise you guys first because I don't really want to wait and I'm excited," Louis rambled as we approached a door. "Are you guys ready?"

We all shrugged, not knowing what to expect. I wanted to brace myself for the worst, but I was really hoping Louis wouldn't have done something ridiculous.

Louis swung the door open dramatically, revealing a lounge type room inside with a single occupant.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend!" Louis announced proudly, gesturing towards the female who was standing and facing us.

Her dark blonde hair was down, which was very unusual for her. It almost made her look like a whole new person and even made me doubt myself for a second before I blurted out, "Wendy?"

"Hey Arden," she greeted cheerfully as Louis moved over to her, easily wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Isn't that your agent?" Jessie asked in a low voice.

I nodded, still staring at the couple in confusion. I'd only ever introduced them once and it had been very formal- how had they formed a relationship out of that?

And also- Wendy and Louis? Together?

"You two are dating?" Alex dead-panned, looking between the two of them.

They both nodded.

"You don't mind, right Arden?" Wendy asked, looking suddenly nervous and chewing on her bottom lip.

I shook my head. "No, of course not, I'm just a little confused is all."

"Well we met the day you introduced us," Wendy began slowly, Louis nodding to encourage her along. "And Louis pulled me aside and said he'd love to get to know me and so we exchanged numbers and he called and we went on a few dates and he was a complete gentleman and we've been officially dating for about two weeks. We just had to find the right time to tell you guys."

"Are you guys going to go public?" Jessie asked.

Louis shrugged. "Not immediately. We'll wait a bit and then discuss it."

"Louis, you're being oddly mature about this," Alex commented with a smirk.

Louis glared at her in response. "Wendy just brings out the best in me," he answered half-sarcastically, half-meaningfully. "So Arden, now that I'm like dating your boss, that makes me the boss of you too, right?" he said, quickly morphing back into the immature Louis we all knew and loved.

I rolled my eyes. "No Louis, that's definitely not what it means."

"Louis, what are you doing?" Niall called as he pushed open the door. "Oh, hey guys," he greeted when he realized we were all in here. "And Wendy?"

"Niall! I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Wendy!" Louis announced proudly.

Niall said, "Oh," in understanding before jumping onto one of the couches.

The other boys soon followed him into the room, each one being introduced to Wendy, all of whom already knew who she was.

"So Niall's the only single one left?" Liam commented as he found his place at Jessie's side, giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Niall shrugged, his carefree attitude shining through. If any of the other boys were the only single one, we'd never hear the end of it, but with it being Niall- somehow it was okay.

"We'll find little Nialler someone," Louis said, ruffling Niall's hair.

"Boys! Showtime!" their manager called through the door, making all the boys jump up.

"Have a good show," I said to Harry, giving him a quick kiss for luck.

He grinned at me before bouncing away with his bandmates.

All four of us girls walked out of the room after them, just at a considerably slower pace. I stayed towards the back, falling into pace with Wendy as Alex and Jessie walked ahead.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" I scoffed at her.

She blushed, looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry. I hope this isn't weird or anything for you."

"Not at all, Wendy. I'm really happy for you guys. The more I'm thinking about it, you and Louis would actually make a really cute couple. Well do make a really cute couple," I laughed.

Wendy giggled lightly as we approached the side of the stage just in time to see the lights come up on the boys as the music boomed throughout the arena.

"Wow, they're incredible out there, aren't they?" Wendy asked, having to talk considerably louder than before to be heard over the screams of the girls on the other side of the stage.

I nodded. "And you haven't seen anything yet."

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