Day 402

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Day 402

"Alex, can I borrow a pair of your heels?" I called out into the apartment.

"Yeah, which ones?" she yelled back.

"Um, black? I don't know, come look at my outfit and help me."

There was a loud sigh, but it was followed by loud footsteps as she tromped into my room. "Woah, where are you even going?"

"I already told you, Harry and I are going to the opening of that new club Ciela. Just help me pick some shoes?"

"Alright, alright. But you look fucking good for a club opening, man."

I rolled my eyes, following her into her room. She opened the closet, shuffling through her large collection of heels.

"These ones!" she proclaimed, holding up a pair of gold stilettos.

"Aren't they a bit much?" I asked, looking down at my black dress. It was a simple dress, but it accentuated my waist. I wasn't much for clubbing, so it was the best I had.

Alex shook her head. "Trust me. Your dress is plain enough that they'll look perfect. And I'll give you some gold make-up and you'll look perfect!" she exclaimed loudly.

I rolled my eyes, but allowed her to tug me along in the direction of the bathroom. She pulled out her make-up palette, commanding me to shut my eyes.

I allowed her to do what she wanted, before finally being instructed that I could look.

I had to give it to her- the girl knew how to apply make-up.

"Ok, thank you but I really need to go," I said, glancing down at the time on my phone.

"Wait! Lips!" she yelled, grabbing a tube of lip gloss. "Pucker," she demanded.

I sighed, but obliged. She slathered the sticky substance on my lips before stepping back and grinning down at me.

"Alright, it's perfect."

"Good, glad you're happy," I mumbled, just as I received a text from Harry. "And it's time for me to go. I'll be back later!" I called as I stood up, dashing out of the bathroom and towards the front door.

"No you won't," she trilled after me, causing me to roll my eyes.


"You look stunning," Harry purred as I climbed into the car beside him.

I grinned, pecking him on the cheek. "Why thank you, sir."

"Can we just blow off this opening and go back to my flat? Louis' out with Wendy for the night," Harry grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.

I lightly shoved his shoulder. "No, we're not blowing this off. You promised what's-his-name that you'd be there."

Harry groaned. "Marcus? He'll get over it. He probably won't even notice if we're there or not."

Marcus and Harry knew each other from somewhere or other- I was never good at keeping up with all his connections. But Marcus was the one opening the club and he had personally invited us.

"We're going. But we don't have to stay for long," I reasoned.

"Fine," Harry sighed.

Harry finally started the car and we drove off into the heart of London.

We arrived at the club, parking around back in a private parking lot that required a special pass.

After we parked, we walked around front. Marcus had asked us to take at least a few pictures out front to help promote the club, but he said the back exit was always an option for when we wanted to leave.

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