Day 27

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Day 27

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My long, dark brown hair fell straight down my back, like usual. I was wearing a body-tight black and white dress, that cut off above the knees, paired with black heels. It was simple, yet elegant. And frankly, I looked hot. My makeup was simple, other than a smoky eye, which really brought out my gray eyes.

I grabbed my black clutch, double checking that I had everything inside; phone, keys, wallet, etc. As I was about to close it, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out, seeing I had one new text. From Harry Styles.

hey love, going to the party tonight?

It was such a simple text, but it meant a lot more than it said. It meant he was thinking about me.

Sure, I'd had some small conversations with the five boys over the past month I'd known them, but we only saw each other at work. And even though they all had my number, I'd never exchanged more than a couple texts with any of them. Not even Harry.

Things with Harry were weird. I was obviously attracted to him, and I was pretty sure I was developing quite the crush on the curly haired hottie.

I quickly typed up a response.

yup. I'm assuming you are too?

Right as I hit send, I received another text. This one was from Alex. About two weeks ago, we'd had our first conversation, and now we had a pretty solid friendship. Alex was so sweet and also surprisingly hilarious. She was easily my best friend, and we spent hours talking, texting, and calling. I knew more about her than I did most of my "friends" back home. Those "friends" that I hadn't talked to since I left.

hey Ar! I'll pick you up in like ten. you better look major hot ;D

I laughed, sending back a quick reply that I'd be ready. I stood up, cleaning up the minor mess I'd made in my bathroom. Once I emerged, I saw I had a new text from Harry. I quickly opened it.

of course. save me a dance?

My heart fluttered in my chest. Sure, Harry was a flirt, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

sure thing, Curly

After he'd found out that my nickname was Ar, I'd insisted on having one for him, so I called him Curly.

Just as I finished making sure everything was set, I heard a knock on the door. Alex had great timing. I waltzed over to the door, swinging it open.

"Hey-" but I cut off, furrowing my brow and frowning. "Harry?"

The curly haired boy cracked a wide grin. "You don't look very happy to see me."

"Where's Alex?" I asked, still confused.

"I convinced her to let me pick you up," he smirked.

My face finally broke out into a smile. "Well how nice of her."

"Yeah," he said, his eyes racking my body, taking in my dress. "You look beautiful."

I couldn't help the blush that crept onto my cheeks. "Why thank you. You look quite dashing, also." And it was true. His black suit fit him perfectly, showing off how toned his body was.

He smiled, offering his arm to me. I took it and allowed him to lead me down the stairs and out the front door.

The car ride was pleasant. We kept up a normal conversation. Harry told me about how their album was being released soon. I tried not to show it, but this made me kind of sad. If they weren't recording anymore, they wouldn't be hanging out in the waiting room and I would almost never see them anymore.

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