Chapter 17

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"I think we should go to the bar tonight." I mused, holding the mostly empty cup of tea in my hand as Violet and I sat on her couch, watching Friends. We were on the fourth season by now, and I had gotten really into it to be honest. 

It was unexpected, especially since I slightly hated the first few episodes, but it had just gotten better and better ever since, just like Violet told me. 

Violet looked at me with wide eyes. "Harry... I don't think that's a good idea."

"I know." I groaned, resting my head against the back of the couch. "But I'm so bored here. And tonight is like a theme night, we're playing all these 70s classics. It's going to be fun."

"Like you're such a dance machine." She rolled her eyes and I rolled them back. "I know you've only seen me waltz, but I'm a pretty good dancer. Got great hips." I winked.

Violet chuckled, running a hand through her dark hair that reached just above her shoulders. "Still, I think we should stay here. Your week's not over yet and I don't feel like babysitting you in a bar that's filled with drugs and alcohol."

I leaned over to the coffee table to put down my mug and paused the episode that was playing. "The guys are going to be there, and you know Louis doesn't use. I'll be fine."

"How's your withdrawal been in the past few days?"

It was Friday now and I had spent 7 days with Violet so far. The first few days had been absolute hell as my body was adapting to a life without coke, but after a day or two I just started sleeping most of the day. 

I had been having some dark and less fun thoughts lately, and I needed to get my mind off of things. 

Violet had been sleeping in the same bed with me too ever since that one night and I couldn't say it didn't help with my sleeping at night. It felt nice to be pressed against another body, feel the warmth and listen to the steady breathing. It was calming.

I had noticed her slipping out of bed to go sleep on the couch a few times, and when I confronted her with it she said she didn't want to wake me when she was having nightmares during the night. Apparently she had them most nights and then went to the bathroom to do her ritual. 

I knew a side effect from withdrawal was having nightmares, but luckily I had been spared from that so far. 

The only thing I was really struggling with now, were my cravings. I wanted coke more than anything. I was usually fine with it when I was distracted, but whenever I was alone with my thoughts, they immediately went to snorting lines.

"I've been fine, you know that." I retorted. She narrowed her eyes at me as if trying to read my mind and see if I was lying. I held her stare for a while and she nodded after a few seconds, seemingly satisfied.

"I want to go through your entire office and rid it of any drugs." She stated and I smirked, knowing she was giving in.


"And we're not drinking."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "Violet, we can't go out and not drink." I tried to argue.

"We... We will have the same amount of drinks. You're only allowed to drink when I drink, got it?" She pointed her finger at me, giving in much faster than I thought she would. Apparently even she knew it would be dull without any alcohol. 

"Deal." I quickly agree before she changed her mind.

"And you're giving Abby the night off."


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